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    Bewerte diesen Artikel "BECOME THE MODERATOR OF GAMEHAG!"

    (4.53/5) 68 Wertungen
    Misty, 31 Oktober 2018 15:09


    Gamehag team is announcing a recruitment for moderators!

    Don't miss an incredible opportunity for personal growth and for getting unearthly gifts.

    Thousands of Soul Gems and hundreds of game keys are waiting for you!

    They are within arm's reach! Do you dare to take them?

    Become Moderator on Gamehag and earn a prestigious rank, which will raise your status among friends.

    In the meantime, a simple and easy way of earning Soul Gems absolutely for free!

    Who is a Moderator?

    Moderator task is to keep the forum in the good shape (verification of reported posts) and to decide about articles publications.

    In exchange for serving as moderators, users will be receiving Soul Gems, and occasionally, game keys.

    What and how?

    To get more details, visit our fanpage and take a look at the post about our promotion.

    CLICK ON THE LINK TO THE POST - https://www.facebook.com/gamehag.de/photos/a.812957825544655/1036633683177067/?type=3&theater

    Bewerte diesen Artikel BECOME THE MODERATOR OF GAMEHAG!

    (4.53/5) 68 Wertungen


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