你可以将灵魂宝石兑换成Steam Wallet的充值、游戏密钥、CS:GO皮肤以及其他的奖励。
what is the best sniper u use before??
follow me in roblox and playing with me im a god on that game
how many chraters u have in that game nice job wel done
them how many stange u have on that game? but its nice game
I actually played the game, the fighting animation was probably the best thing about the game. Good review.Completing in-game challenges makes your Badass level higher. After each 5 levels you pass, you gain a token to get an improvement. It will be given by percents and will be something every character has (f.e. +0.5% Shield capacity, +0.7% fire damage, etc.). If you start a new game with different character, your Badass rank with all those improvements will be saved and used on that new character too.
可以肯定的是,《灵魂能力》系列的每位粉丝都会非常高兴看到Game Spirit工作室创建的这款网页游戏中有他最喜欢的角色。这款免费的MMO RPG游戏是知名作品的新版本。这次您会选择什么角色?您可以选择准备在您身边战斗的男英雄(洪润星,拉斐尔,洛克,贝迪维勒,真喜志)或女英雄(卡桑德拉,雪华,希尔妲)!您选择的角色将不得不面对许多对手,其中他将遇到各种各样的无畏怪物。击败他们之后,您将获得宝贵的回报,因此请准备好在这个奇妙而危险的世界中分泌大量的肾上腺素。 完成某些任务后,您将可以加入三个氏族之一:通道氏族(Birf of Passage),施瓦兹温德(Schwarzwind)或费古尔·塞斯特莫斯(Fygul Cestemus);并创建自己的朋友和敌人...