你可以将灵魂宝石兑换成Steam Wallet的充值、游戏密钥、CS:GO皮肤以及其他的奖励。
yea i sen a lot of ticket and answer was thet dont have same name in game but now it's all good got my reword and almost 65 lvl aredy :D
@Greenleaf https://ibb.co/ikT3WK here is guild icon
@Greenleaf like i sad click on Guild icon and join one of guild in list or press "g" ingame to open guild tab
Good guide how to get 55 lvl in 6 days
Well Let me tell you how i got 55 level just in 3 days
So we all know there are 3 tasks in "Oblivia:The Lost City"
Reach the level 35 of your hero
Reach the level 45 of your hero
Reach the level 55 of your hero
Okey all is fun and fast from 1 - 35 level Just go do quests and boom! Your level 35 ( 1st task done) and u got your 167 Soul Gems
Next you get 2nd task. So you do same thing you did form level 1-35.. Keep questing and doing all events you can do at the time your playing. But wen you get to level 40 start using "EXP chips" x1.5 x2 !
You get them from quests or buy in "Mall" using "Coupon" ( not Diamond like i sad "no donate" ) EXP chips will give you good boost for next 10 levels!
So now you past lvl 45 and 2nd task is done +167 Soul Gems
You are still leveling fast just by doing quests and Events the game offers you.. But not for long...
Now your a big boy/girl.. level 50 ( almost done with 3rd task) but here comes fan part you all out of quests! Well, you take you coupons and got to Mall for EXP chip refill and start grinding ( best place to do it is "Tigers Nest" lvl 50-60 mobs)
Start for 50 lvl "Slum Thief" but if you go your set all +4 or more you can skip to lvl 52 "Underworld Boxer"
Oh right there is one big secret.. Before you start last day farming, JOIN THE GUILD!
Joining the guild will give you 20 quests each day and you will be able to use " EXCH" in guild ( its like guild shop) to buy "x3 EXP chips"
after u get to 53 just go and farm on lvl 55 "Battle Machine" and do your "Arena" each day till you get your 55 level and finish 3rd task + you get 271 Soul Gems
And this is all you need to know about "Oblivia:The Lost City" to get you 3 tasks done in 3 days
Big Thanks to Greenleaf for his guide and info on "Oblivia:The Lost City"
It was fun to play this kinda automatic and fully afk grinding game but i'm mostly sure that at level 55 most of us, who got so far will quit playing it anyways... Sure there will be some who will love to donate 200$ and get all top gear just to show off... Sure go on have fun ^^ but this game is not for me to play longer then 3 days :D
I hope this will help you guys to get them Soul Gems faster :) Cheers :)
All you need to join guild is level 31. At level 31 u can click on guild icon and you will se guild list on my server there was just 5 guilds in list. Just take one you like best and join
@Greenleaf Like i sad befor GUild gives you 20 daylie quests + Guild shop wear u can use points u get for donating to guild and can buy x3 EXP chip's and fight guild event boss for gear and Exp! So it helps a lot! Chears^^ i hope this will help you guys to get 55lvl faster xD have fun ^^
did all quests till 50 lvl After thet spend all posible coupons ( free curency did not donate) on Exp boosts ( From PvP From guild shop) and then just use "auto Battling" ... 1 from 3 days i was most offline but 2 days hard afk Battling xD just try get in guild faster so you will have 20 guild quests each day! And thets it 55 lvl in 3 days ^^
Yep i got 55 in 3 days
At last got 55 lvl just hope Admins will check my Ticket for 2nd quest so i can finish 3rd at last... its taking like for ever to get 55 lvl and then 2 more days to get reword https://ibb.co/bDR1do
https://ibb.co/gwoiOo here got my 1st task done now same thing on 2nd task alredy sent a ticket...
2 days ago i sen screen at 35 lvl and in 10 min or so got refused i sent a nother screen whit lvl 45 and got refused again ( still on task 1) then i send last screen at lvl 51 and still got refused! i did all what i needed to do registred via gameheg link sent printscreens got level up's and dont have multiple accounts not in this damd game not in gameheg! question What i did wron way im still on Task 1 (reach level 35) if i alredy got up to 51 and sent all screen but still did no get reword... https://ibb.co/ftdKeT screenshoot
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