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    BigNig Flag rs

    4 years ago


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    BigNig badge
    BigNig avatar
    7 years ago
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    BigNig avatar
    7 years ago

    I can snap this **** over my knee. It probably doesnt have memes on it anyways.

    BigNig badge
    BigNig avatar
    7 years ago


    BigNig badge
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    评论的话题 Your Favorite Games?.
    7 years ago

    So im about to type random stuff for dem gems,read for all i care
    Here's a list of my favorite games:

    1. Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt
    2. Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings
    3. Warframe
    4. TF2
    5 Sniper Elite 3

    So lets start so i can post this, bla bla gotta talk about these games...

    Witcher 3 , is by far the best game i played, the graphics are awesome, and so is the fighting, but the game doesnt follow the books that i read.. Still a big fan doe!

    Witcher 2, all praise just like Witcher 3.

    Warframe...muscly robot ninjas in space, who cares right, its pretty much a grind fest. I started playing back in 2013/14 and i still go in once a week to check it out, but the game is great overall.

    TF2 aka Hat Simulator, is a game where you need to spend money, because if you dont have an unusual or a bills hat (which isnt special anymore since you can sell it at the market) you dont have the xXx-Skillz-xXx. You also shouldnt bodyshot with a sniper, thats really bad and you should go to jail if you do it.

    Sniper Elite 3, what can i say, a great game, and you can shoot german scrotum's, so thats a plus...yeah. i think im about done with this thing.

    PS: I really dont care about these, i just wrote em for the gems, cuz i have the right, right? So dont respond or anything, cuz if you take me seriously, you're a meathead.

    BigNig badge
    BigNig avatar
    7 years ago

    Here we go again,for the kids. -> The definition of copy is 'a thing made to be similar or identical to another'. So by that logic, and not by overwatch fans' logic, overwatch is the copy of paladins, paladins closed beta began in 2015.

    BigNig badge
    BigNig avatar
    7 years ago

    The definition of copy is 'a thing made to be similar or identical to another'. So by that logic, and not by overwatch fans' logic, overwatch is the copy of paladins, paladins closed beta began in 2015. Doe i love both of the games.

    BigNig badge
    BigNig avatar
    7 years ago

    Next article. Who copied who? Fidget Spinners or Fidget Cubes?

    BigNig badge
    BigNig avatar
    7 years ago

    Id love a s'quicky' with you m90?!?!?!

    BigNig badge
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    用户和 arda_deniz_gül 现在是好友了
    7 years ago
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    已评论 Stardew Valley.
    7 years ago

    But....can you bang the mayor??????

    BigNig badge
    BigNig avatar
    7 years ago

    Oh,i was hoping you were talking about your last day on earth and were about to commit suicide

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    7 years ago
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    7 years ago


    BigNig badge
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    用户和 omar_atti 现在是好友了
    7 years ago
    BigNig badge
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    用户和 dean_skealet 现在是好友了
    7 years ago
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    完成了一项来自以下游戏的任务: God Wars.
    7 years ago
    BigNig badge
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    已评论 God Wars.
    7 years ago

    No worries,wait till you get to lvl 30 and still get refused.👅💦🍆

    BigNig badge
    BigNig avatar
    评论的话题 is this game good eh?.
    7 years ago

    No, eh.

    BigNig badge
    BigNig avatar
    评论的话题 Bleach Online.
    7 years ago

    Bleach is best. I recommend for hair and buttcrack

    BigNig badge
    BigNig avatar
    评论的话题 Anime fans.
    7 years ago

    Anime tits are fake.



    《坦克世界》是一款让玩家参加巨大的战车大战的在线MMO游戏。游戏里最重要的是合作能力,因为胜利不仅取决于你,而是取决于整个盟军坦克! 它不仅是典型的射击游戏,还包括战略,所以玩家必须证明自己的战术能力。壮观的视觉效果和优美的图像立即将玩家带入战争世界,在这里,对坦克机械的熟悉是胜利的关键。在每次战斗中,我们都可以升级自己的战车,而且游戏开发人员也确保了我们的装备不会受限。对于这类游戏的游戏迷来说,这是个非常有趣的选项。玩家可以征服地图上的省以及新的地区。玩家也必须快速做出能正面影响整个阵型的战术决定!这款游戏一定会吸引战争游戏或战略游戏的粉丝。...


    每个动漫迷都应该知道《死神》!如果你是该系列的粉丝,就绝对必须玩《死神Online》。创建你的角色并完成许多任务,以获得经验并成为最佳的死神!战斗都是回合制的,游戏本身很简单。它包括前往各个指定区域并完成我们收到的任务,而这些任务主要是战斗。在你的冒险之旅中,你会遇到各式各样的敌人和盟友,他们将在旅行中陪伴着你,并与你携手作战。以各种组合建立你的团队 - 后方的支持和前方的战士。从任务中收集独特的物品,这些物品可以被售卖或用于升级你当前的装备。在之后的所有级别中,你都可以解锁新的以及更好的装甲或武器,以变得更强大并且应对越来越强大的对手。所以,不要再等了,加入死神的世界,与所有灵魂进行搏斗并向他们展示你是最厉害的死神!...



    Final Fantasy XIV

    Experience a whole new adventure in Final Fantasy XIV, another part of the epic series created by Square Enix, which is still very popular among the players. Unlike other games of the Final Fantasy series, this one is a MMORPG, so it is a completely different approach to the subject.Play as a hero from one of six available races...

    Hunter X Online

    今天就在《猎人Hunter X》中开始你的史诗旅程,它是有史以来最流行的少年漫画之一 - Hunter X Hunter 的游戏版。 重温杰·富力士的故事,并找到你最喜欢的漫画人物来与你一起建立团队。通过在回合制战斗中与敌人战斗来完成任务并获得奖励,而在这些战斗中,你不仅需要力量,也需要战术思维。享受非玩家角色、史诗音乐,以及3D效果的精美图像和背景。 以多种方式升级你的角色,以便成为最强大的英雄并在玩家VS玩家中击败你的敌人。在排名中攀升至更高的位置并向他们展现你的实力。 与你的工会一同击败世界首领,让他们为拥有你而感到自豪。立即加入《猎人Hunter X》!...


    《日本神话大战》是一款网页免费MMORPG游戏,乍一看似乎与其他同类游戏一样。然而,为了确保玩家不会感到单调,创作者设置了让玩家寻找自己的解决方案的功能。 站在善良的那一方,与威胁你的王国的强大恶魔对抗。发展你的城市,从而发展你以及团队的技能,这将帮助你在越来越危险的探险旅途中前进。走进地牢的深渊并且越走越深以对抗更强大的对手。 在回合制战斗中与你的敌人作战并释放出你的战术技能以在神话大战的排名中攀升至更高的位置!与其他玩家并肩作战,与更强大的怪物对战并获得更多诱人的奖励。立即加入《日本神话大战》吧!...

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