Sign up via our link and receive a free premium bonus! The offer includes the invite code for the new players only.
When signing up, you can choose between the following bonuses:
7 days of premium account
3,000,000 credits
500 doubloons
Misterious ship IV
7 days of premium account
1,750,000 credits
25,000 free xp
25,000 elite xp
Misterious ship IV
7 days of premium account
1,500,000 credits
14,000 free xp
300 doubloons
3x Consumable camo Blue Lagoon
3x Consumable camo Ocean Soul
3x Consumable camo Type 59
3x Consumable camo Perse
3x Consumable camo Gregale
Misterious ship III
7 days of premium account
1,250,000 credits
12,500 free xp
12,500 elite xp
5xConsumable camo Dark Olive Green
5x Consumable camo MS-21
5x Consumable camo Blue Steel
5x Consumable camo Deep Red
5x Consumable camo Yellow
5x Consumable camo Viridian
5x Consumable camo White
5x Consumable camo Cobalt Blue
Misterious ship III
The World of Warships fleet features over 200 ships, dating back to the First and Second World Wars. Find out which warship type suits you best, and amass a navy of your own. Choose the flag you want to sail under. In WoWs, you can pick from the world's leading naval forces. Study each nationality's strong points and quirks, then weigh up the gameplay possibilities. Use them in battle to develop your own tactics!