AdminJoshverd: Very Cat emote (inline chat version)
AdminJoshverd: Cash emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconErtannn Orak: My pleasure 
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: okay thanks for aswering
unranked rank iconErtannn Orak: Or the offer may be bugged 
unranked rank iconErtannn Orak: Maybe you already installed it before
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: But i don't  understand why it not giving me the reward in the monopoly go game if i reached the first step..
AdminJoshverd: It will track automatically and credit you
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: When u play a game, where u need to send the proof to get ur reward?
AdminJoshverd: 1fae1 emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconmattys gamer: k thanks imma do a offer in a like 5 min
AdminJoshverd: Yes, we hold offers, but those usually are released very quickly.
AdminJoshverd: Redemptions can take a few hours to be approved. We need to verify your offers are legit before approving, which takes time.
unranked rank iconmattys gamer: thats what i like too hear if i do a big offer u guys do hold or no?
AdminJoshverd: Old accounts could not be migrated, unfortunately. The old site was a buggy mess so we're working to build this new platform into something much better.
unranked rank iconErtannn Orak: Josh what is the approximative time for a withdraw ? Thank you
unranked rank iconmattys gamer: so  does my old account work still bec seems everything is reset
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: thank u for the support!
novice rank iconthe future: how muche  time take the withdraw ?
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: Oh okay, thank u! I had been here but i came back and i didn't know how this work now haha
AdminJoshverd: For now you can get a Visa gift card in most countries, then buy Robux directly with that
AdminJoshverd: soon*
AdminJoshverd: @yorandom1234 we will add Roblox gift cards soo
unranked rank iconmattys gamer: damn this site really changed i like it
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: is there a way to change this for robux or something like that?
unranked rank iconErtannn Orak: Is there a discord channel ?
unranked rank iconErtannn Orak: You dont need to be scared
unranked rank iconErtannn Orak: As long as you are not doing fraudulent activities 
apprentice rank iconJacob: ddHuh emote (inline chat version)



alguien me responde a esto?

pabloylawenaonda avatar


October 24, 2018 at 09:59 PM

yo escribí un articulo que me rechazaron los moderadores pero después leí los comentarios y me decian que era bueno y que me daban 4 estrellas todo bien pero los moderadores me lo rechazaron por que?

pabloylawenaonda avatar


October 24, 2018 at 10:02 PM

y ahora despues de resubirlo me lo rechazan los usuarios por resubirlo que injusto :c

andy_subero avatar


October 24, 2018 at 10:22 PM

cuando resubas tu articulo ponle una nota: que lo resubiste por tal razon.

andy_subero avatar


October 24, 2018 at 10:23 PM

yo hice un articulo y la mayoria de los usuario decian que era copiado y no lo es nisiquiera ponian en lick d ela pagina que segun ellos lo copie, al parecer nise atreven a leer el articulo completo por lo meno. :/

IIICabazorroIII avatar


October 25, 2018 at 03:20 AM

lo que dice andy esta bien

NOTA: no es por nada pero en vez de volver a escribir otro mensaje es mejor usar la herramienta editar y colocar el mensaje que posiblemente se les olvido colocar

(ya se que quieren ganar exp por los mensajes pero sinceramente incluso eso lo llaman hacer spam por eso existe la herramienta editar)

Yunaider avatar


October 25, 2018 at 03:07 PM

Yo te pueso comentar esto