December 9, 2017 at 01:30 AM
So apparently there is no such thing as having skill in World of Warships, or that was what I gathered from one of my games last night. See I was playing the tier 9 Frenchy cruiser when out of the blue some one from the other team said somewhere along the lines of 'Nice Warpack". :Smile_amazed: Now I was quite confused, but the message seemed to be from one of enemy BB in which I was targeting and setting alight. (Burn Baby Burn) I of course wanted some clarification and as I had suspected the message was aimed at me and my SALTY div mate. Undeterred I continued playing under the repetitive barrage of messages like "I bet SALTY doesn't die and carries the game" (well duh its what we do, except the dying part as my 53% survival stats shows otherwise), and "he never misses" (Because hitting a dead stop Hipper at 12 Km is a challenge also I have about a 38% MBH ration... soo) and so on and so forth. That lasted until the end when my team won.
August 7, 2019 at 01:22 PM
ovviamente ho capito
August 7, 2019 at 01:22 PM
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