Good day ancient strategist, today I will give you some information and personal reviews about a fairly old game named Grepolis.
I've used to play this game a couple of years ago , but much has changed... I've re-downloaded the game a couple of weeks ago and started playing again , but to my surprise, this was a new game. I'll share all my thoughs on this one with you in this article, so please sit down, relax and leave an upvote and comment if you enjoyed!
Nontheless, let's continue our jurney:
I’ve played this game for 7 years now. In the beginning gold was a little more rare occurrence yes but that doesn’t have too much of an affect of you can actually play the game. I’ve never put a dime in this game and have led alliances to the end game, players who
absolutely were dumping there wallets into the game.
To me it’s not necessary and yes the game gets to a certain point where
you kinda have to just throw your hands up and start over but that’s the point of it. I’ve invested years into a world just for it to be taken. And I took a break and got right back into it. It’s a great game to pass time and also a super Immersive experience if you want it to be.(plus if you invite players you get a lot of gold).

Initially when I started, things moved pretty quick, so I was always checking things on my phone to see how every thread shaping up. Then as you build yourself up, things take much longer to build up. For me, that’s fine. I’m not spending my real money on the game just to level up my stuff faster. Some people do that and that’s cool. I just won’t because like I said, it’s a game. If that means I lose being attacked because my walls weren’t a level 40 because I didn’t spend money to build them instantly.
The game itself is addicting , the new app is easy to use and manage your cities, very easy to find everything and the graphics are good enough for a phone app, even though there are some minor bugs ( I experienced screen freezing tabs opened but the game sees then as closed ).
For me the app is mostly for a few things like building or looting farm villages. You cant really get much done on the mobile if it is your first tome playing and you only seen the mobile the game will be very hard to understand.
I suggest u go see the tutorial on your pc and then play the mobile version because like i read on some reviews
the tutorial isnt really much into depth in the mobile(same tutorial btw on both just different screens) but on the mobile it is alot harder to understand especially for a beginner (piece of cake for anyone else). Another thing i saw in the reviews is that many people complained about it being slow well thats how it is suppose to be for the most part. For me the fun doesnt start until ur second city and u have about 13k points and have a decent army so u can go take over people.
So it does have a very slow start. If you want it faster try to go to an older world and see if u can get into a good alliance that gives u resources or casts spells. For someone like me who has played this game this app is the best thing ever especially if u dont have an administrator(i cant believed i lived without him) you can go upgrade buildings or loot villages or even recruit some more soldiers. Comes in handy.

Now, for some usefull tips on the app :
1st off do not download this app expecting crazy battles and lots of moving controllable parts. Grepolis is a lot like chess. There is no excitement other than the satisfaction of knowing you out thought your enemies, like in chess. It's just camouflaged with cool graphics.
2nd the tutorial is on the web. Google: Grepolis Wiki. It is more of a guide that will help you get started and show you the tips and tricks you need to know rather than a tutorial; since Grepolis is played against other real people a tutorial would't teach you to out think them.
3rd if you don't plan on dedicating most of your days checking up and improving your cities someone else will. And by that I mean once they notice you are not active even a smaller enemy could get lucky and steal your city.
4th if you're reading this review it's a good chance whichever world you are currently playing on, you've already lost. Why? Because there is no game over. Not for years of playing at least.
That's YEARS on the same world. Once your Alliance has complete control of the ocean you win. It's essentially a race to who can become the strongest most strategically placed with the correct units and timing.
Here is one of the new worlds which you can partake in:
Here’s 5 useful tips for new players in the beginning of the game: 1. Use your resources and free population carefully. It’s easy to run out very quickly, and it takes a while to get them back.
2. Try out the browser version. The mobile app is limited in some ways, so you should occasionally play the browser version to participate in events.
3. Start by worshipping Hera. She’s good in the start of the game. Then, when you first build the harbor, worship Poseidon. After that, it doesn’t matter.
4. Don’t strike deals with cities right next to you in the beginning. They’re just waiting for their chance to spy on you or attack you, because if they don’t, you’re a threat.
JOIN AN ALLIANCE! Make sure you join an alliance right away. But also make sure that it’s a good one. A good alliance supports everyone in it. Alliances can help a lot, but some alliances have lost their sense of loyalty and honor. So if your alliance isn’t a good one, be prepared to be backstabbed or betrayed by one of the members.
Well strategist, you've reached the end of my review. I hope you do try Grepolis once, it's a fairly great game for it's age , bound to keep the lovers of strategy and combat on edge. I would like to end this article by asking you to upvote and comment , as it helps me greatly. Have a great day and stay safe!