unranked rank iconmerkuri83: А на что собственно тратить камни?
AdminSwirfty: The new version of Gamehag is here to stay 
unranked rank iconRyhu Ryans: corect
AdminJoshverd: Incorrect
unranked rank iconRyhu Ryans: EVERYONE dont earn gems because they will be deleted anyway
unranked rank iconRyhu Ryans: stupid
AdminSwirfty: Unfortunately, we were unable to transfer accounts over from the old website 
unranked rank iconRyhu Ryans: why did they delete all my gems?
unranked rank icondoggyeatsillegalgrenades: wut
unranked rank iconDoggy: what
unranked rank iconvoidXgamer99: did they ruined the platform?
unranked rank iconJon Doe: where are my items, my game keys?
AdminSwirfty: You can earn Gems by completing offers
unranked rank iconheprer: any way to get my gems back?
AdminSwirfty: Not currently but we do plan to bring a new version of chests back 
unranked rank iconfirecracker10324: do chests no longer exists
unranked rank iconwingyipfuji: What?
unranked rank iconDaniel Glavota: I contacted support and they said unfortunately there is no way to transfer from the old gamehag to the new one.
unranked rank iconDaniel Glavota:  Without warning they snatched a bunch of gems from me.
unranked rank iconAndy Bensemhoun: hello
unranked rank icon3RR0R404: Olá
unranked rank iconPickleMinion: why the mobile app still not working?
AdminJoshverd: ricardoFlick emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconJason: pepeJAM emote (inline chat version)
AdminSwirfty: Hello! 
unranked rank iconosiel nicolas: Ho!la
unranked rank iconJason: also anybody know how long the lootably clash offers take to track? guessing mine didn't
unranked rank iconJason: can my offer be released please :)
unranked rank iconLetra Chica: 1f630 emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconYobz: What a shame, for me it's normal to see this type of messages  1f605 emote (inline chat version)



¿Cúal fue su primer articulo de ropa de su avatar?

Elecsito avatar


March 29, 2020 at 04:41 AM

El mio fue una mascara de angry birds, los viejos sabrán de cual mascara estoy hablando

XxnicoxX123 avatar


March 29, 2020 at 06:10 AM

el gorro de ninja

alexislannister avatar


March 29, 2020 at 07:33 AM

El cabello rojo nuevo de Belfast, it was so pretty.



March 29, 2020 at 07:52 AM

La máscara de angry birds y unas alas legendarias



March 29, 2020 at 07:53 AM

Solo los antiguos sabrán de q hablo Las alas son legendarias para los nuevos hoy en dia

andrs_marin avatar


March 29, 2020 at 09:17 AM

me compre una animacion que ahora me aburre xd

Bobielepiko avatar


March 29, 2020 at 09:46 AM

creo que un gorro que consegui con tix que se llamaba "retro weekend lampshade" o algo asi

ulises_martinez3 avatar


March 29, 2020 at 09:57 AM

yo quiero robux xd quiero

lucas_rotela avatar


March 29, 2020 at 10:06 AM

El mio fue una mascara de angry birds, los viejos sabrán de cual mascara estoy hablando

Jhonathan4567yt avatar


March 29, 2020 at 10:14 AM

fue un casco del rayo maquen xd solo los que estado roblox hace mucho sabran

Lautaro_2002 avatar


March 29, 2020 at 11:04 AM

El mio fue una mascara de conejo

molly1348 avatar


March 29, 2020 at 11:28 AM

Ni recuerdo