Perfect World held yesterday their annual Awards Ceremony, where Chinese esports personalities and players get recognition for their entire year efforts and achievements.
2019 was another year in which PSG.LGD came to The International as one of the favorite teams at the title, but they fell short to OG once again. The upper bracket finals, held on August 24 at the Mercedes Benz arena from Shanghai, China between PSG.LGD and OG, inflicted the first playoffs loss on the Chinese team, who in the next series got also defeated by Team Liquid to end their TI9 journey on the third place. Nonetheless, PSG.LGD’s run at The International was the best of all the Chinese teams and brought to the organization and its players the deserved recognition at the Perfect World Ceremony.
This year, PW lowered the amount of prizes offered, and instead of giving an award for each position, they had three categories in total.
Best Player 2019 award went to PSG.LGD’s carry, Wang “Ame” Chunyu
Best Team 2019 award went to PSG.LGD Gaming
The third category hosted three winners, all determined via public voting on the PW Awards website for the most popular player. A total of 33 players were nominated, and the three winners are: Lu “Maybe” Yao (PSG.LGD), Zhou “Yang” Haiyang (Vici Gaming), Wang “Ame” Chunyu (PSG.LGD)
Apart from the competitive scene, Perfect World also awarded Bu “YaphetS” Yanjun, Jiang “YYF” Cen, and Xu “BurNIng” Zhilei for Most Popular streamers.
Drodo Studio, the creators of Dota Auto Chess, took the Best Arcade Map Creator award.