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    Recebe Phoenix Point totalmente grátis!

    Phoenix Point is a game that can be classified as a tactical turn-based strategy. It is heavily inspired by the X-COM series. The action takes place in 2046
    Phoenix Point bg

    Phoenix Point

    Chaves de jogos

    Prazo de entrega

    A 31 dias

    O valor do prémio

    Sobre o produto

    Epic Games
    Chaves de jogos


    At Gamehag, we value your presence tremendously! Especially for you, we've created the opportunity to collect Soul Gems, which are magic points you get for daily activities. The Stones can then be exchanged for great rewards, e.g. Phoenix Point.

    It is a tactical turn-based strategy, strongly inspired by the X-COM series, which is diversified by an interesting graphic design. Science-fiction fans will be delighted!

    We encourage you to exchange Soul Gems for Phoenix Point now. You certainly will love this title!

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