novice rank iconPande Bande: bro is there any help ? 1fae0 emote (inline chat version)
AdminJoshverd: The affiliate system is totally separate from you completing offers
AdminJoshverd: Click the "View Tiers" button on the Affiliates page to see the different commission tiers
AdminJoshverd: No, affiliate commission
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: commission on tasks?
AdminJoshverd: Basically, more referrals = higher commission tier
AdminJoshverd: No, the higher affiliate tier you are, the higher commission you earn
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: meaning the higher i'm on Gamehag, the more SG i get from affiliate?
AdminJoshverd: That's for affiliate/referral earnings
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: i'm Tier 1 it's 5% commission, tier 10 30% commission, but commission on what?
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: hello can someone explain the cash out system  and tier system ?
novice rank iconlushnebula45: oh ok
novice rank iconPande Bande: im foreign in usa
apprentice rank iconJacob: articles from old gamehag site
novice rank iconPande Bande: LULW emote (inline chat version)
novice rank iconlushnebula45: What are these articles in the footer  1f978 emote (inline chat version)
novice rank iconPande Bande: i made offer my chips and made Bonus purchase 
apprentice rank iconJacob: for real?
novice rank iconPande Bande: usa dude
apprentice rank iconJacob: @Pande Bande what country do you live in
novice rank iconPande Bande: plz if you can help me on support chat 
novice rank iconPande Bande: no replay its all Legal i did purchase mission and Bonus mission why got rejected 
AdminJoshverd: You can contact support by clicking the headset icon next to chat. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide support via the public chat.
novice rank iconPande Bande: can i know why plz and help me to approve my cash out
novice rank iconPande Bande: get rejected and i didnt get any point back 
novice rank iconPande Bande: i did offer on my chips and i cash out 
AdminJoshverd: ??
novice rank iconPande Bande: plz
novice rank iconPande Bande: any admin help me plz
novice rank iconPande Bande: hey



dragon ball z final stand

proyectokayn221 avatar


March 28, 2019 at 05:59 AM

alguien que juege en roblox dragon ball z final stand para T.O.P

santi_londoo2 avatar


June 23, 2019 at 07:52 AM

alguien que asta ahora se valla a crear el personaje para comenzar juntos

Minigore947 avatar


June 23, 2019 at 09:40 PM

@proyectokayn221 Trata de comentar esta clase de cosas en the Foro de "Buscando un equipo" o de Roblox no en "Conversaciones Generales" Ya que veo que solo estas buscando usuarios de Roblox con quien jugar. "Dragon Ball Z Fianl Stand" = Juego de Roblox.

Lucaszxa avatar


December 22, 2019 at 08:48 AM

@proyectokayn221 Trata de comentar esta clase de cosas en the Foro de "Buscando un equipo" o de Roblox no en "Conversaciones Generales" Ya que veo que solo estas buscando usuarios de Roblox con quien jugar. "Dragon Ball Z Fianl Stand" = Juego de Roblox.

Gnzaa avatar


May 6, 2020 at 07:35 AM

hola, alguien sabe porque no me deja transformarme en ssjb? Recuerdo bien haberlo comprado. Soy nivel 425

LeviathanxK avatar


August 23, 2021 at 07:44 AM

Algun programa confiable y bueno para usar scripts?