AdminSwirfty: Please be patient. Someone will respond shortly 
unranked rank iconBa R: @Switfty come support chat please, need help
novice rank iconDeatek: alright, would bee hella good
AdminSwirfty: We'll start marketing again after we add a few more features and steam keys as a cashout method 
novice rank iconDeatek: Maybe I suggest you guys ran campnaign in poland
novice rank iconDeatek: when I was kid, gamehag used to be site to get some steam keys and a lot of poles were using it, but got forgotten 
novice rank iconDeatek: @swirtfy where are you from? 
novice rank iconDeatek: now I'm deatek lol
novice rank iconDeatek: I changed my ncik 
novice rank iconbrajanek: Glad to hear
AdminSwirfty: Yes
novice rank iconbrajanek: @swirfty Are you owner of lootably? 
AdminSwirfty: You can switch the currency to USD on the profile page if you prefer that
unranked rank iconCS2 Gambling 2025: Okay
AdminSwirfty: 5,000 Gems = $5 
unranked rank iconCS2 Gambling 2025: I know it is 5000 gems but how much in usd?
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: ok thanks
unranked rank iconCS2 Gambling 2025: how much is the minimum paypal withdrawal?
AdminSwirfty: Gamehag is under new ownership and there was an issue with the accounts on the old platform so we couldn't transfer them 
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: do you know what happened?
AdminSwirfty: Correct. New platform, new accounts
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: and former gmehag account with their soulgems have all been deleted, you confirm?
unranked rank iconUn1que BG: good
unranked rank iconUn1que BG: so god
unranked rank iconUn1que BG: this is a w site
unranked rank iconUn1que BG: yo swirfty
AdminSwirfty: For now, yes 
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: ok so only cash out with cases gg, clash gg, rust, paypal and virtual visa
AdminSwirfty: We don't currently support Steam gift cards as a cashout method 
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: and I don't see where i can buy games with soulgems



Jak często gracie?

Domkaiga avatar


March 19, 2019 at 12:14 AM

Ja gram gdzieś co kilka dni

Mtolka28 avatar


March 19, 2019 at 12:49 AM

ja gram tylko w piątek no i w sobote

robux123pa avatar


March 25, 2019 at 06:03 PM

Narazie Jeszcze niegram ale zapowiada się ciekawie

frell avatar


May 21, 2019 at 03:19 AM

juz coraz rzadziej, wszędzie mi te kurczaki biegają:chicken:

kyjogr avatar


April 6, 2020 at 11:18 PM

Taki ci kącikach miał

kyjogr avatar


April 6, 2020 at 11:23 PM

Kurczaki do jedzenia są

J0HNTVv avatar


April 6, 2020 at 11:47 PM

Bardzo często bardzo lubię to

Lipton44 avatar


April 7, 2020 at 03:23 AM

kiedys w to grałem ale teraz niema sie czasu zabardzo nato

kiooo88888888 avatar


April 7, 2020 at 12:46 PM

Teraz ni3 nam za bardzo czasu na grania w gry a ta to moje dzieciństwo

xxelielyxx avatar


April 21, 2020 at 09:11 PM

Nie grałam jeszcze

DigitalDreamer avatar


April 24, 2020 at 03:14 PM

J to pisze dla lvl xd

gabisiek avatar


April 25, 2020 at 02:58 PM

nie grałam jeszczr ale chyba zaczne sobie

macius4613 avatar


April 26, 2020 at 11:13 PM

Ja gram tylko we wtorki

DaltMb avatar


April 27, 2020 at 12:27 AM

ja nigdy nie grałem

jaku01 avatar


June 1, 2020 at 03:29 AM

Dosyć rzadko

DzejkobH2K avatar


June 21, 2020 at 10:20 AM

co parę dni