apprentice rank iconArc: real
apprentice rank iconJacob: Less yap, more earning
apprentice rank iconArc: there goes terrence
apprentice rank iconArc: damn
novice rank iconDeatek: swirtfy stop lurking the chat!
apprentice rank iconArc: xio wa ni hao
novice rank iconDeatek: swirtfy why are you listening to chinese music
apprentice rank iconArc: Mr. Terrence by any chance does ur name have anything to do with 9-11
apprentice rank iconArc: not this racist 
apprentice rank iconArc: oh god
apprentice rank iconArc: confessing my luv to you rn
apprentice rank iconArc: i love you swirfty
novice rank iconDeatek: Swirtfty pls read dm, atleast explain
AdminSwirfty: Ask him 
novice rank iconDeatek: Hi Terrence Acbar, nice to meet you
unranked rank iconDD Osama: tf going on
novice rank iconDeatek: jewtable lol
apprentice rank iconArc: catJAM emote (inline chat version)
apprentice rank iconJacob: monkaTOS emote (inline chat version)
apprentice rank iconArc: nah ur envox
apprentice rank iconArc: yup hi envox
apprentice rank iconArc: is that u envox
unranked rank iconFrieda Coleo: deadass who r u
unranked rank iconFrieda Coleo: :skull"
novice rank iconDeatek: plsss
novice rank iconDeatek: share sus lol
unranked rank iconFrieda Coleo: @jacob where's my wd
apprentice rank iconJacob: blobDance emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconFrieda Coleo: LMAO
unranked rank iconFrieda Coleo: @indiazeeshanpasha who are you



Nie wchodzą punkty , co robić?

toxic_player avatar


May 19, 2019 at 01:23 AM

Pomocy co robić

lisu1221 avatar


May 20, 2019 at 12:40 AM

Też nie dostalem a czekam 5 dzień :/ pierwszy raz gram, konto zweryfikowane i nic.

johanpaul avatar


May 22, 2019 at 02:04 AM

tez mam ten sam problem