Wyrażam dobrowolną i odwoływalną zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez Administratora w celu świadczenia usług serwisu gamehag (zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych [Dz.U.1997, nr 133, poz. 883 z późn. zm.]). Poinformowano mnie o tym, że podanie moich danych osobowych oraz wyrażenie zgody na ich przetwarzanie jest dobrowolne oraz o przysługującym mi prawie do dostępu, kontroli przekazanych danych, ich poprawiania, a także o prawie sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania oraz przekazywania moich danych osobowych innym podmiotom.
Hello Everyone, this is HALFBAKED of so called planet Earth, I want to introduce you our server, feel free to come.. this server is exclusively for Pinoy Gamers but foreign men can enter our server for free, as mentioned below, no over powered character, no hegaton set with socket options which is bug set, we all know that i guess, well our server is S6 E3 but SOCKET OPTIONS is disabled (to some items) to prevent overpowered character, we tried several settings on def and dmg and yeah we finally meet the precise or accurate balanced between characters. [AD] PRO-MU [ 9999x |Drop 75 % | Season 6 Ep 3| 100% Information about PRO-MU: PRO-MU Website : www.PRO-MU.com PRO-MU Registrations: https://PRO-MU.com/-id-Register.html PRO-MU Downloads: https://PRO-MU.com/-id-Downloads.html Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PROMUS6EP3/ Server Rates: Version: Season 6 EP 3 Experience: 9999999999999x Drops: 75% Bless Bug: Off Reset Lvl: 400 Max Level: 9999 Reset Zen: 0 mil Reset Points: Keep STATS! Points Per Level: 20 Wings 1 Level in Shop ! Maximum Stats: 32,767 Max Resets: UNLIMITED Clear Inventory: NO Clear Skills: YES Clear Stats: No Server Features: Balanced PVP F.O Items/GodLike Items News Golden Invasion New Maps New Skills Spots in all Maps WebShop: On (buy using credits) Market: On (buy and sell system) Reset: 10 Credits Reward per Reset Vote and Get Reward Support for Many Languages Online. Active Community. Commands in Game: /addstr 32767 (Adding Strength Stats) /addagi 32767 (Adding Agility Stats) /addvit 32767 (Adding Vitality Stats) /addene 32767 (Adding Energy Stats) /addcmd (Add Points in Command) About US: Server made for true mu online max style fans, fast level ups (exp: x9999), fast resets, easy to get best gear, to start PVP and participate in guild wars and PVP events! Get maxed fast and to free mu online world from evil bosses which will bring best loot! If this settings interest you, this server is for YOU!