Joshverd: Unfortunately, PayPal, Venmo, Visa, and Bank Transfer are not supported in Venezuela
Yobz: :(
Yobz: Venezuela
Joshverd: Which country are you located in?
Yobz: You say that to redeem ours you have to go to or
Nea Karlsson: where is my account?!
Joshverd: hi
Szymon Zboralski: hi
AREEB Ali: Where daily wheel what I said the game doesn't give me credits
Tirchiohabbo: ruota giornaliera non ci sta?
Joshverd: Welcome
Tirchiohabbo: ...
angelo94sr: ma quindi tutto da capo?
AREEB Ali: I just created my account
AREEB Ali: So that means we can't receive the credits now but we can't receive after some time but can anyone tell me how much late my credits will come
AREEB Ali: I can't receive my credits why I installed the app first time I completes levels don't nothing happened with my credits
Piombo65: As the old account transfer is unable, will be there a way to recover the previous earnt soul gems?
Piombo65: Hi! So... what happened? I had to create a new account. Did they change the management?
Swirfty: Unfortunately, we were unable to transfer old accounts over to the new platform
Paolo Contini: but i can't join with my previous account. is it normal? all deleted?
21albertoff: Spanish support?
adeel tunio: I completed my egg catcher level 50 but didn't received my credit I thing this app isn't the top option however will take it
Jason: Yeah offers not crediting my account either
adeel tunio: I completed my egg catcher level 30 but i didt get my reward
zzniez20: @Joshverd Paypal, for me
Joshverd: All will be fixed shortly tho
Joshverd: I'm trying to prioritize the ones people are using
Czy wiecie może z jakiego powodu moje zadanie nie zostało przyjęte?
Zrobiłem screena ekranu z klawisza Print Screen i przez painta zapisałem i wysłałem do GameHag. Miałem tak samo z grą Travian
October 21, 2016 at 03:52 PM
Może masz za duży lvl a nie 15 albo nick nie podobny do tego na gamehacku
October 22, 2016 at 03:52 PM
Mam dokładnie 15 lvl na screenie i nick dokładnie ten sam co na GameHagu
October 25, 2016 at 01:41 AM
October 25, 2016 at 07:06 PM
A próbowałeś jeszcze raz???
October 27, 2016 at 07:20 PM
spróbuj zapisać w jpg. i rób screena całego ekranu wtedy przyjmą na pewno
February 10, 2017 at 07:36 PM
Napisz wiadomość do Misty
October 4, 2019 at 09:35 PM
nwm czm :c
November 15, 2019 at 08:51 PM
Wstaw jako jpg ,albo poczekaj kilka dni bo administratorzy nie daja rady tak szybko kazdemu dac KD w krotkim odstepie czasowym