apprentice rank iconJason: $5
unranked rank iconRussian AndFrench: how much $ can you earn with 5k points?
unranked rank iconDAnilo KORSUNOV: why i  not have gemsirememberwhenigot   1k  gems
unranked rank iconDAnilo KORSUNOV: yo
unranked rank iconnigase6: Fr
apprentice rank iconJason: you guys should add rewards for ranking up
apprentice rank iconJason: catJAM emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconEl Capibara Constructor: xd
unranked rank iconMani: ???
unranked rank iconjacdeljoseks12: 1f636 emote (inline chat version)
AdminSwirfty: pikaOMG emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconjacdeljoseks12: 1f910 emote (inline chat version)
novice rank iconJason: im sorry
unranked rank iconjacdeljoseks12: hola disculpen, alguien me dice que porque hago las escuestas y no me da la recompensa?
novice rank iconJason: so we'll see
novice rank iconJason: what
novice rank iconJason: that's why I did
unranked rank iconArc: do you guys hold mcluck on revu
novice rank iconJason: hopefully my 42k credits on revu so I can secure 2nd place :)
unranked rank iconjacdeljoseks12: holaa
AdminSwirfty: Hello 
unranked rank icondavid lazo: hola
unranked rank iconMia Gomez: hola
novice rank iconJason: ok thanks
AdminSwirfty: 1. 168,650, 2. 99,108, 3. 93,142
novice rank iconJason: please
novice rank iconJason: can you tell me how much each person in top 3 on the leaderboard has earned since it doesn't show?
AdminSwirfty: It might be a mix of free chests and paid chests. It's TBD at the moment 
novice rank iconJason: plz don't tell me it's cases you have to pay to open
AdminSwirfty: Chests will be coming soon (But not that soon) 



Why do i losexp

YeetBoi21 avatar


April 17, 2020 at 01:44 AM

I lose xp why

LiamSiben avatar


April 17, 2020 at 01:49 AM

Avez-vous spammé sur le forum?

LiamSiben avatar


April 17, 2020 at 02:11 AM

jee the same problem

LiamSiben avatar


April 17, 2020 at 02:11 AM

i have the same problem

pastikin avatar


April 17, 2020 at 02:23 AM

i just didnt gain xp for a few minutes ****

Oresti37 avatar


April 17, 2020 at 02:25 AM

i think that you lose xp maybe if u spam comments, i have lost too but i dont know why cause i havent spammed.

wawatro avatar


April 17, 2020 at 02:56 AM

you lose xp when you comment and then the comment got rejected by admin

wawatro avatar


April 17, 2020 at 02:57 AM

because when you comment you get your xp immediatly

wawatro avatar


April 17, 2020 at 02:58 AM

and then sometimes, staff runs a check up randomly to see if its not just spam.

Fsociety31 avatar


April 17, 2020 at 02:58 AM

abı sırf exp ıcın yazmıomu sankı herkez al kacgundur exp dusup duruyor anlamıyorum bır turlu ertesı gun daha az exp le sayfaya gırıorum abı destege soylesem bunla ılgılenemler bende bır yolunu bulmaya calısıyorum ıns yaparım:nerd::nerd:

wawatro avatar


April 17, 2020 at 02:58 AM

so they demote the spammers from the xp they got from their comments

BiggestHead avatar


April 17, 2020 at 03:12 AM

XP is being wiped over time or becuase you've done something naughty.

Kremenik avatar


April 17, 2020 at 03:53 AM

I will wait to see what will happen tomorrow, but if I loose experience again without a valid reason I'm going to open a ticket with them as it is not clear why this is happening. Moreover all my comments with no exception are on teh topic described and create added value. I think there is something in the logic/code they are using that probably after a recent update of the system might have changed not by design, but by human error. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense for so many people to see the same problem again and again.

kitty_faust avatar


April 17, 2020 at 04:06 AM

i have this problem as well, it's really confusing

rayen1526 avatar


April 17, 2020 at 04:10 AM

probably cause you comment too much