novice rank iconPande Bande: can i know why plz and help me to approve my cash out
novice rank iconPande Bande: get rejected and i didnt get any point back 
novice rank iconPande Bande: i did offer on my chips and i cash out 
AdminJoshverd: ??
novice rank iconPande Bande: plz
novice rank iconPande Bande: any admin help me plz
novice rank iconPande Bande: hey
novice rank iconbrajanek: Okay
AdminJoshverd: He'll probably need to send a friend request
AdminJoshverd: yeah have him DM me on discord @Joshverd
novice rank iconbrajanek: Still hasn't helped, maybe I let him contact you 
apprentice rank iconArc: wdym what offers
AdminJoshverd: That should work
AdminJoshverd: Can you have him request a new link by clicking the "Resend" button in the banner?
novice rank iconbrajanek: @joshverd he said that still issuing that
unranked rank iconyes sir: i see you in chat 
unranked rank iconyes sir: what offers you doing here arc
apprentice rank iconArc: yea'
unranked rank iconyes sir: is jacob v7?
novice rank iconbrajanek: Okay
AdminJoshverd: @brajanek tell him to click the URL again
apprentice rank iconArc: Okay Christmas V7.
apprentice rank iconJacob: You know already Arc
apprentice rank iconArc: like what
apprentice rank iconJacob: most sites have rates around this
apprentice rank iconJacob: they aren't bad, they are average 
unranked rank iconJumpaa: Bad rates 
unranked rank iconАндрій Радковський: how to cashout money in steam valet???
apprentice rank iconJacob: few mins
unranked rank iconАндрій Радковський: как вывести деньги в Steam Valet????????



Czy warto grac dalej w Lola?

Adriano avatar


August 30, 2016 at 04:29 PM

Piszcie ;D

blyski1922 avatar


August 30, 2016 at 05:03 PM

a czemu nie?

Pnawrot avatar


August 30, 2016 at 06:01 PM

Lol to ciekawa gra ma swoje zalety Np granie online jak i kontra boty swój własny system waluty itp. Ja wciąż gram a gram 5 lat i dalej mam z tego frajdę

asialkee avatar


August 30, 2016 at 06:39 PM

Moim zdaniem warto. W dalszym ciągu graczy przybywa, RIOT wprowadza różne tryby, nowe postacie. Możemy stawiać sobie nowe cele, gra nie jest monotonna.

Ghostkiller avatar


August 30, 2016 at 06:48 PM

Warto , jak najbardziej .

michalson77 avatar


August 31, 2016 at 01:43 PM

Warto lol to świetna gra.
Gram od ponad 4 lat i jest coraz lepiej i lepiej :D

MarcinBicepson avatar


September 1, 2016 at 05:20 AM

Kiedyś w nią grałem teraz w nią gram ogólnie warto

Tuszek avatar


September 3, 2016 at 12:53 AM

Dla samej przyjemności gry warto, ale jezeli chodzi o samo granie, to nalezy się zastanowic czy warto zmarnowac to 50min na gre gdy mozna porobic cos innego ;)

PhantomxAssasin avatar


September 7, 2016 at 01:06 AM

Tak, warto

mixal avatar


September 18, 2016 at 11:59 AM

Pewnie to jest super gra