AdminSwirfty: Meowdy emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconpaulopedro033: hi
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: the mobile game
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: i completed the one of hyngry shreder ertann
novice rank iconthe future: possible to approuve my withdraw pls
unranked rank iconErtannn Orak: On what offerwall 
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: I completed so many things and i still with 0 gems xd
AdminJoshverd: Gamba emote (inline chat version)
AdminSwirfty: Contact the offerwall's support 
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: get the reward, what did i do wrong?
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: I have a question. I started to play the game called Woody Sort. The first reward apprears when i complete the first hidden game. I completed it but i didn't ge
AdminSwirfty: Meowdy emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: Could someone answer me a question?
AdminJoshverd: Very Cat emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconErtannn Orak: My pleasure 
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: okay thanks for aswering
unranked rank iconErtannn Orak: Or the offer may be bugged 
unranked rank iconErtannn Orak: Maybe you already installed it before
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: But i don't  understand why it not giving me the reward in the monopoly go game if i reached the first step..
AdminJoshverd: It will track automatically and credit you
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: When u play a game, where u need to send the proof to get ur reward?
AdminJoshverd: 1fae1 emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconmattys gamer: k thanks imma do a offer in a like 5 min
AdminJoshverd: Yes, we hold offers, but those usually are released very quickly.
AdminJoshverd: Redemptions can take a few hours to be approved. We need to verify your offers are legit before approving, which takes time.
unranked rank iconmattys gamer: thats what i like too hear if i do a big offer u guys do hold or no?
AdminJoshverd: Old accounts could not be migrated, unfortunately. The old site was a buggy mess so we're working to build this new platform into something much better.
unranked rank iconErtannn Orak: Josh what is the approximative time for a withdraw ? Thank you
unranked rank iconmattys gamer: so  does my old account work still bec seems everything is reset
unranked rank iconyorandom1234: thank u for the support!



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Wiewiórki w Jodłowym Gaju
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Mam nadzieje , że przeczytaliście do końca! Szybko róbcie zadania i kupujcie star coinsy, moim zdaniem jest to świetna oferta!!!

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(nick w grze:Priscilla Goldhuriccane)