Reporting from Japanese weekly magazine Famitsu, Sega continued to give some new information related to Valkyria and antagonists in Valkyria Chronicles 4 . Among others are:
His appearance marked by snowstorms make Clymaria had the nickname "Witch of the Snowstorm". Valkyria rank of Captain of the Imperial Science Special Test Force X-0 Owl's Zechs had low self-esteem is very high due to continued forced to live as guinea pigs in the laboratory of Valkyria. He fought with his partner, a wolf named Fenrir. Valkyria is different from others that use melee weapons, Clymaria use magic to fight against his enemies.
X-0 Zechs Owl is a force tasked to test and support the manufacture of Imperial combat equipment. They work directly under the senior leadership of the Imperial Science Institute. Some of the members include:
Owl Zechs strategist. He could not follow the war directly as lame. Someone who is confident, fearless, and always have a quiet mind. Forse concoction strategy often makes Claude and his friends scrambling.
A nobleman Imperial. Have the ability of science's greatest him have the highest rank in the Imperial Science Institute. General rank as Zechs Owl treat him like pawns at will.
Kiara Nikola grew up together like brothers since childhood. A bodyguard assigned to kill all the enemies Belgar. He has been "gives a chance" by the Special Test Force to have a sadistic nature and do not have a sense of humanity at all.
Just like Kiara, he was a bodyguard Belgar. Nikola had the same sadistic nature of the "sister" of his. But unlike Kiara, she prefers to attack the enemy psychologically than having to deal directly with it.
A tank commander Aosburgh independent unit. Klaus lost his mother when he was a child. He is principled to protect all the people of Imperial that had nursed since childhood. Someone who is very experienced in battle who believe on instinct and intuition. He was very quick in deciding something. Klaus called the squad E belongs to the main character as "Fam Fatal Woman of Destiny" and will continue to pursue it until death.
Not quite up there alone, SEGA also explain some of the new flash system, one of which is a system of "Brave" Could one of your army who are nearly dying for not immediately die. You'll get to choose between two options, namely "commit" or "stand up". Commit will mungkinkanmu return 1 command point (CP) in the army and give a temporary buff to another nearby ally army. While the "stand up" will refund the AP and make your army are in invincible status in one occasion. This system will be activated at random, so you can not activate it manually.
The system will also book back in this game. You can choose to watch the episodes in the book cut scenes and choose the map to conduct briefings and battle. When briefing, you can adjust your strategy appropriate unit and a predetermined threshold. Episodes are marked with the icon "New" indicating that you have not watched the episode.
Each turn is completed, you will be taken to the battle map. Enemies will not be visible in the battle map before they are seen by your unit, so you can not know where they stand before they were near your unit. Each unit that you run will require a CP. You can run the unit repeatedly or run all the unit as you please. But keep in mind when CP runs out, then you can not run your unit altogether. You can also save CP-mu with turnmu stop before the CP runs out. All strategies and decisions will be handed over to you, so use them wisely historians.
Units that you run will require the AP characterized by a bar below the screen. Pressing R1 will bawamu entering aim mode. Just like the previous series, if you do not approach the enemy firing range, then your unit will not automatically be shot by the enemy.
English-language version of Valkyria Chronicles 4 will be released for PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch year 2018. Japanese version will be released on March 21, 2018 for PS4, while switch its Nintendo version will be released summer 2018.