unranked rank iconUnited Kingdoooom: Can you add france channel  Meowdy emote (inline chat version)
AdminSwirfty: What suggestions do you have?
unranked rank iconUnited Kingdoooom: Can i do a suggestions?
unranked rank iconUnited Kingdoooom: Hello here
unranked rank iconlowderlandon11: How much have you fellas made so far?
unranked rank iconCarl: Yes tim fancy u been here too
novice rank iconSimplyTim: Fancy seeing you here lol
novice rank iconSimplyTim: Hi zelx
unranked rank iconCarl: hmm ok
AdminSwirfty: Yep 
unranked rank iconzelxxxxxxx+gamehag: this site pay?
unranked rank iconmarkwilson3025: hope it tracks soon
unranked rank iconmarkwilson3025: Just did an offer
unranked rank iconplaqueboymax: Astute Gentleman emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconErtannn Orak: Ohayo sekai good morning WORLDD
apprentice rank iconJacob: add min earned to chat  blobDance emote (inline chat version)
apprentice rank iconJacob: hi everyone
unranked rank iconbristybubli: these comments are really inpropient can u stop please as i am a girl ;(
unranked rank icongen.stenny: sure timmy
unranked rank icongen.stenny: 1f604 emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank icongen.stenny: Sure
novice rank iconthe future: Hey
unranked rank icongen.stenny: lol 
AdminSwirfty: Crypto cashouts will be added in the near future 
AdminJoshverd: Vibin emote (inline chat version)
apprentice rank iconJacob: DonoWall emote (inline chat version)
AdminJoshverd: Dancin emote (inline chat version)
AdminJoshverd: Yo emote (inline chat version)
AdminJoshverd: reload the page for new emotes
AdminJoshverd: Cash emote (inline chat version)



(7 ratings)


The day is finally here as the much awaited launch of the critically-acclaimed Battle Royale shooter PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS finally took off from Early-Access on steam and released as a full 1.0 version after a period of 9 months of tweaking, releasing new content, hosting Esports Tournaments among worldwide gaming superstars, balancing the game throughout and releasing new gameplay mechanics. But what exactly are the changes that developer PUBG Corp introduced in the new 1.0 version from the previous versions ? lets find out.

To start off the celebration of 1.0 release, PUBG corp gave a new free in-game Winner Winner chicken Dinner cosmetic tshirt to all the players who will take part in their Battle Royale journey in the next few weeks after they log in to their game. Some improved designs for in-game HUD, player's inventories, menu, message boxes and options were introduced along with fonts and some tweaks to the color and the HP bars. Players can now check their teammate's FOV directions through the minimap. A new deathcam functionality was added which can be found in settings plus four different language supports were added which are Portuguese (Brazil), Chinese (Traditional), Italian and Spanish (Mexico).

PUBG 1.0 gameplay changes

One of the most significant changes on the new version was the addition of the new Desert map "Miramar" that PLAYERUNKNOWN teased for quite a while throughout 2017 and the new Vaulting & Climbing mechanics that took place in the test servers. Miramar supports two types of weather, clear and sunrise. Rainy and foggy weathers were also removed from Erangel. New covers and objects of concealment were added for the player's high tactical battles which will force them to utilize cover. New off-road and on-road driving mechanics were added for improved and rewarding driving experiences along with additional vehicles such as a six-seater Van, a four-seat off-road Pickup for bumpy terrains and an Aquarail water vehicle which acts as a two-seater for the driver and the passenger for guerrilla tactics gameplay.

The damage model has been totally reworked in the new 1.0 launch. A lot of gun balancing took place, new ones got released and an entirely new vaulting movement system was introduced for more flexibility and accessibility towards gameplay. Projectiles fired from guns will now get affected by air drag resulting in a greater bullet drop and an increased travel time the longer the distance is. The Hit areas have been modified as Players necks are now protected by their helmets. Chest damage has been increased. Bullets now penetrate water based on the velocity of projectiles, the faster the more shallower. New music was added to the lobby with improved engine sounds for vehicles and new sounds for bombs belonging to the red zone.

Optimization changes

Terrains were optimized for reduced memory usage as well as textures. Wave effects were reduced for sea optimization. Various UI elements, decreased times in terrain loading, world effects LODs for weapon optimization and long distance rendering also were made.

Developer PUBG Corp speaks on the 1.0 PC launch

Developer PUBG corp said that 1.0 marks the closing of the first chapter in their development books which is just the beginning as they will continue to uphold their open development principles while listening to a lot of community feedbacks as they had done throughout Alpha, Beta and Early Access stages. Reaching 1.0 for them meant establishing the basic structure for balancing and polishing the Battle Royale gameplay of PUBG.

The developers had been working hard in addressing the most important issues of the community and wanted to share new improvements which were implimentation of two waves of adjustments for server stability and they understand a lot of improvements are required going forward which is obtaining more smoother gameplay environment, reduction in pings, strengthening the anti-cheat which saw 65.7 % of the players getting banned for using unfair gameplay measures. They thank the entire PUBG community for being with them through the good times and harsh development phases.

''See you in-game" -The PUBG Development and Community Team