Brutal Doom is possibly the most famous Doom mod. It completely enhances every single aspect of the game, even modernizes it slightly. Doom 2016 is based on this mod, which released in 2012. I haven't mentioned some details, some because there's too much, and some for the fun of exploration.Gameplay
As for gameplay, the mod changes it a lot. It replaces the original weapons and makes them all equally strong, but fitting for different situations. The old weapons still exist, but they look different and are meant to be used situationally, not progressively. A lot of exciting features are added, such as grenades and kicking. The grenades explain themselves, but the kick is epic. You can actually make enemies fall to the ground, stunning them, or just jump kick and decapitate them. The upcoming update will feature slide kicking. Now you may be wondering... "jump kick"? Yes, the mod adds jumping and even mouselook. Aiming vertically is a necessity, and headshots matter. The berserk pack doesn't only upgrade your punches, and kicks, but it also adds a Rip and Tear mode, toggled with the reload key. If you finish an enemy in this mode, you will enter an invincible state while executing them in third person, it's what the glory kills from Doom 2016 are based on, just like there, you gain HP for glory kills (10 HP in this case). AI is way smarter, does more damage and is faster, but so does the player. All enemies have new animations, both for attacking and death.
I wasn't even sure where to put this, but the mod adds gibbing and tons of gore to the game. Every single enemy can be used to literally paint the floor, walls and even ceiling. Aside from the massive brutality it adds, it adds actual lights that can be destroyed, it's generally somewhat darker than the original at times.
The soundtrack doesn't change and it depends on which WAD you play, but there is a Metal Volume mod which is perfect for Brutal Doom.
Version 21
The upcoming version is currently in open beta phase, and you can easily download it. Not completed yet, but it sure as heck is good, adding new weapons and changing levels.
Doom 2016 Weapons
This is like a mini-mod made for Brutal Doom, it replaces weapons with Doom 2016 weapons, if you really want those upgradable weapons.