So, with a bunch of first person shooter games on the market and even on the free-to-play market, this game is from the similar genre and is aimed towards some story instead of being a multi player grind... So what's it all about, lets find out...
This game is some what a indie game, but is a first person shooter game where you have to escape from the lab where you're trapped. You'll have to escape from enemies on your way out of the lab, and to be precise this game has pixel graphics instead, which make this game some what retro styled from the old days, while some may have mixed feelings over retro and pixel graphics games, its up to personal interests. Lets check out some gameplay of this game...

That's how the game looks like, that was in-game footage and it has the pixel graphics which they were stating on their steam page, but you'll have to go through much of such stuff in the game, as the required levels in the game almost have the same essence all over the game, in many levels. Once you get a hang of such graphics or such stuff without getting any headaches you'll be good to carry on with the game. While some may suffer with slight headache with such pixel graphics and such movements in the game, you have to figure it out yourself. Once you're good with the visuals of this game, you're almost good to play this game, Shoottera...

So, this game has the same feature all over again while being pixel graphics and retro style, it has that carried all over. While you'll find the health indicator on the bottom left corner of the view finder, you'll notice it somehow reminds how the oldest first person shooter games used to be rather than recent Battle Royale games now a days.... Lets go through some more information from the steam store page about this game...
- Single Player game
- Release Date: March 1st, 2018
- No reviews as of now on steam [But somehow you'll find them below]
- Developer: RussianDEV [Its the name of the developer as indicated]
- Publisher: azimut team
- The game is indicated as action Indie game along with Adventure somehow
- The game has no steam trading cards as of now, but the game is quite new and if the developers think of adding them, then they'll be in the game and will start dropping if you play the game for quite sometime, in case you're interested in Steam Trading cards
- The game as of now has no steam achievements, but might be added later on if the developers think of doing it
- There are some reviews about this game if you try to find out, mostly not that positive about the game though
- The game is not a free to play game, its a paid game, so the reviews are almost unbiased to be practical

That's how the enemies look like in this game, and you'll have to figure out a way to shoot them, well if you're good with the shooting mechanics of this game then you'll figure that out pretty soon. Well, and this game is quite slow paced instead of being fast and smooth, and its not according to the quality but this is referring towards the gameplay... Generally the first person shooter games will be fast paced and tend to have smooth gameplay as they start to become online Multi player games... This is not an online game so somehow comparable... So, will this game run on your computer, you'll have to figure out for yourself once you look at the graphics and the gameplay all by yourself... Anyway lets find that out now...

> The game requires a windows operating system greater than 7
> The game is only available to windows OS
> Any CPU with clock speeds over than 1.2 GHz are ok with this game
> Can run pretty well on Intel HD graphics
> 1 GB of RAM is quite sufficient for this game but to run steam alongside some music and thisg game, you'll obviously need some more RAM
> Overall this game runs on almost all late mid machines without any hiccups
This game Shoottera is a FPS game which has a slight learning curve towards the movements in the game as they seem somehow slightly tilted towards getting a hang of it. Well, you must be used to retro graphics and pixel graphics games before even thinking about such games as they have only such graphics all over the game. Well, as this is not a free game on steam, if you're about to purchase then watching some gameplay videos is obviously a good habit towards all games...
Thanks :)