Video games not only present us with a puzzle to be solved, kill all your enemies, or to save the princess held captive by a villain. Occasionally, a video game had elements of choice matters , which requires you to select an option that is really influential in the course of the game. Make your gaming experience with other players differ, depending on the choice of dialogue and decisions that you select.
Some of these options, often give a different ending or consequences in each session. This makes it have replayability (the ability to be played many times, red) for you will not be bored every time I play it again and again. Below we have summarized the six games that have these elements.
In addition to the content had an interesting story, Divinity: Original Sin II will sue you to run freely with a quest that will lead to the selection of a different ending. You will have a tag that mungkinkanmu to choose extra options with different results than the usual answer choices. This selection can sometimes be a double-edged sword that can make you lose your party members, or end up with your fight against NPC.
This game had more than three main story ending, the ending variety of different original character. Moreover, the duration of the game which ranges between 80-450 hours of game that will make hardcore RPG fans linger in front of the monitor, in order to enjoy the story from a different perspective.
Call of Duty: Black Ops II is probably the game of experiments in which Treyarch tried to implement multiple endings and a branching story on the Activision's flagship franchise.
Their choice to provide multiple endings apparently positive response by the fans, make this game not only present the shooting action is intense, but also a different ending. There are more than 4 ending in this game if you choose the right decision in each mission. This feature makes the gameplay becomes longer ranged from 7 to 80 hours depending on your gaming style of each.
Telltale probably one of the studios which have a very high flight hours for interactive drama games. This is evidenced by the success of the video game series The Walking Dead , which until now has reached the third season.
All your choices here will determine the NPC trust you, until the life or death of another character. Ending in every season the game will be very influential in the next season, so you should choose dialogue options from which to obtain the appropriate conclusions ekspektasimu.
Horror Thriller genre game will menghadapkanmu to a very difficult choice. You will play as eight characters to escape from a sadistic killer who pursue them while on vacation in a cabin in the mountains of fiction Blackwood. Some scenes will force you to face very difficult choices, ranging from sacrificing one of your friends to be killed in cold blood, save it, or run away to save yourself.
Although it looks very difficult to not kill one of your friends. But the games made by Supermassive Games is actually provide options so that you can save all your friends. Yes, it all depends on your choice.
5. The Witcher Series (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox360, Xbox One)
Being one of the best western RPG game does not necessarily make the story go straight away. Although at first the story was seen walking the plates, but in the middle of the game a lot of options that actually bring Geralt to conclusions until a different ending in the series of The Witcher .
Some options could provide for courting Triss Geralt, until the characteristic that already he regarded as his own or not at all. In fact, the "scene" that may not happen if you do not execute the right choice. The climax is on the third iteration of the game, which mungkinkanmu enjoyed more than two different endings corresponding choice in the final moments of shared characteristics.
Quantic Dream seemed indeed highly versed create interactive drama games. This is shown in the promotion of Detroit: Become Human . Although this game will be released next year exclusively for the PlayStation 4, but they have given some gameplay footage that looks more emphasis on the selection decision. The developer claimed to have made thousands of scripts to present a variety of possibilities that you can choose.
You will act as one of the few Android became a figure in this game, where they have stories each, with the conclusion of different endings depending on options that you select. For example, choose to save the hostages or kidnapping suspect attempted to kill will provide a different ending and dialogue that will affect the way the story. Making it one game that deserves you waiting for this year.
Of the six listed above, which one is for you continue curious to feel at home playing the game? Or maybe you have a list of other games or are waiting for one of the above list to be released / discount? Come, share your experience below.