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    4 anni fa

    Il Mago Giovane

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    wladmcd1 badge
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    Ha preso parte nel giveaway aMAZE Double
    5 anni fa
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    wladmcd1 avatar
    Ha preso parte nel giveaway Silver Lions 1000
    5 anni fa
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    wladmcd1 avatar
    Ha preso parte nel giveaway Resident Evil 2 Remake PC GLOBAL | WWE 2K19 PC GLOBAL | Sid Meier's Civilization VI PC GLOBAL |
    5 anni fa
    wladmcd1 badge
    wladmcd1 avatar
    Ha commentato l'argomento Naruto-Online, a Nice Game.
    7 anni fa

    A great game, it follows the history of the original anime well.

    I am very happy to be able to know this game through gamehag, besides being able to win gems, I had a lot of fun with the game, I spent many hours with him and I do not regret it, I recommend that other users also play. I am very grateful to Gamehag, besides having fun with several games like this, I can earn gems and exchange for other items. The dynamics of the game is fantastic, it is not necessary to spend all your money without a game for a great player, the game offers many options, you can be a great player if you dedicate to the game, there are many players and that With much fun, I recommend You play and have fun
    You will start with a great starting ninja, after that the game will introduce you to various missions, from there with your progress, you will unlock new items, missions, game modes, various things to do, there is an incredible system Of character evolution, in which you can strengthen your player and your team, you can also refine items, you can edit and gain new spells, several combos, the game gives you an experience in which you can feel a fun ninja, The graphics are excellent, there are several events in the game that can reward you with several things that will strengthen your player.
    Each level you up in the game, you receive new items and your character gets stronger, your team accompanies you, there are more than 100 characters for your team, in which you unlock and use them, you can change at any time Before starting a battle, my thanks to the Gamehag.

    wladmcd1 badge
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    Ha raggiunto il 3 livello
    7 anni fa
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    ha eseguito il compito nel gioco WarTune.
    7 anni fa
    wladmcd1 badge
    wladmcd1 avatar
    ha eseguito il compito nel gioco Naruto Online.
    7 anni fa
    wladmcd1 badge
    wladmcd1 avatar
    L'utente e FlipDeBeer sono amici adesso
    7 anni fa
    wladmcd1 badge
    wladmcd1 avatar
    Ha raggiunto il 2 livello
    7 anni fa

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