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    Il Mago Cieco

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    Ha commentato l'argomento King of Tactical RTS.
    6 anni fa

    I believe every real time strategy games fan have surely know about Men of War series from a creative developers, Digitalmindsoft and reputable publisher 1C Company, whom are also the publisher of Soldiers: Heroes of World War II and Faces of War, which were the first evolutionary games of their kind, as they were the hybrid of real time tactics and real time strategy with depth gameplay mechanism and physic base combat engine, compare to other RTS of that time. But Men of War series even surpass previous titles by having skirmish with A.I. support along with the "BIG PLUS" of the series, which is the ultimate modding support. As no RTS had mod support like MOW, where you can turn WW2 game in ultra futuristic battle ground by having Mechs and Cyborgs in your arsenal as there are plenty of mods with such features available at MODDB. So will discuss major features which distinct this series from other RTS games and what makes it King of Tactical RTS.

    -Almost all RTS have just be more like resource grinding to achieve victory by deploying heavy units or use special weapons to annihilate enemies or gain control of victory points, but MOW offers real TACTICS in sens of fierce battlefield where even the most expensive tank or artillery or jet can easy be take down my mere group or individual soldier(s).

    -Unit combination is one of the most important aspect as squad share each individual unit sight, and by combining scout units with arterially you can nailed the enemies at their respawn point.

    -Cover based infantry combat, unlikely other RTS, infantries can cover behind various objects, including the husk of destroyed vehicles, deployable sandbags and even building debris.

    -Limited ammo is also one the most distinct feature, as all the weapons from infantry pistol to tank shells are limited by numbers which can be resupply by ammo truck, makes even the best of artillery limited by ammo to give other side a breathing space to overcome heavy weapons such as that, where there is also a noticeable feature which is moving heavy cannons with help of other vehicles, as the feature we say in new Battlefield V gameplay and trailer, which are pretty much adept by MOW series.

    -Every unit have hit points which measure the damage taken, along with armors for infantry and shield on tanks and other vehicles which gives extra protection to hit points, like helmets can save infantry from headshot, though it will removed once got shot or shield got removed from tanks after taking hit from AP round.

    -One of the best A.I. you may ever experience in RTS, as including bots and human controlled A.I. both have significant adaptation according to the situation which makes infantry combat the most fun part of gameplay cause they make stand by covers, even find new cover if one got destroyed, they also lose there weapon after ballistic hit, and every squad is more like your little battlefield team where it have engineer, medic, sniper and machine gunner to play their vital role.

    -Physics based combat, well nothing much to say but you can expect the things like AP shell which fail to penetrate tank armor can cause collateral damage to near units or debris from building can destroy light vehicles near it.


    -Astonishing is shortest and the best abbreviation for its GEM 2 engine, as it have day and night cycle, along with vehicles flash light support at night time and ever other little details like vehicles tracks, blood and gore, bullet and bomb shells, terrain damage from blasts, snow and rain effects and so other minor details like breakable windows glasses etc.

    Mod Support:

    -Most of the games now have mod support but in comparison to other RTS it have easy and very depth mod support where you can even modify the whole engine properties by simply using common software like WordPad or Paint to edit textures.

    Final Words:

    -From RTS fan to all other RTS fan out there, this game is hidden gem, may be thats why developers name its engine as GEM engine, though joke a side according to IGN review this game is for pros because it had allot of micro management but I say its for all RTS fan whom willing to take challenges and enjoy the fast paced combat not measure by number and strength of armies but by tactics, and tactics is what this game is all about and tactics are the reason we call such games as Real Time Strategy, and for so very reason it makes MOW:AS 2 King of Tactical RTS.

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    By your email, on which you register the account.

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    Ha commentato l'argomento What the .............. o_0.
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    Can you please provide me the official discord link, as I cant able to find one.

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    Ha commentato l'argomento Article Publishing.
    6 anni fa

    So I recently published my article, and it just show me notification from Misty that your article in review, didn't got any email notification. So I just want to know that how long it take for an article to be examined and published and if rejected, does they notify me or not.

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    Ha commentato l'argomento What the .............. o_0.
    6 anni fa

    They even mention me RECENT REWARDS on main page, but I didn't got my reward yet and they said that I already got it. https://ibb.co/jOmr9d https://ibb.co/eLJhFJ Though it an honor to be on recent reward list but please don't tease me and already rewarded me plzzzzzzzz ;( or I will cry to death.

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