Create a respectable image of you as a... scrap metal collector! Yes, in this game you can become famous by running a scrap yard! Verify the vehicles, collect the parts and look for every opportunity to sell them in the market. Repair your cars, build real machines that will impress the others. Become rich and famous thanks to your knowledge about the cars, boats, helicopters, planes and tanks that are delivered to your scrap yard. More popular you are, better machines will enter your scrap yard. And that is something you care about, don't you? When you feel that your car is a real beast - participate in the race in the arena. It can be you who will be the winner! Join the Garbage Garage, don't wait any longer!
Sembra veramente carino. i Racing game sono sempre la mia tipologia di giochi ;D
va arà il classico gioco scadente e brutto, consigliato
Dallo sfondo sembra bello, però non lo so