AdminJoshverd: Vibin emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconSimplyTim: Sadge emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconplaqueboymax: lazy cucks
unranked rank iconplaqueboymax: add ltc withdraw option
apprentice rank iconJacob: DonoWall emote (inline chat version)
AdminJoshverd: Dancin emote (inline chat version)
AdminJoshverd: Yo emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconplaqueboymax: shut up Josh
AdminJoshverd: reload the page for new emotes
AdminJoshverd: Cash emote (inline chat version)
AdminJoshverd: Fixing firefox shortly  1fae1 emote (inline chat version)
novice rank iconzeeshianstuff: hi
unranked rank iconJea: 1f354 emote (inline chat version)
AdminJoshverd: PParrot emote (inline chat version)PParrot emote (inline chat version)PParrot emote (inline chat version)PParrot emote (inline chat version)PParrot emote (inline chat version)PParrot emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconJhefferson Sharian: Fre 
AdminJoshverd: OOOO emote (inline chat version)
apprentice rank iconArc: but uh shogatsu has more money than champions
unranked rank iconSimplyTim: But chat went wild
apprentice rank iconArc: oh goddd
apprentice rank iconArc: the brizz d1 rider
unranked rank iconSimplyTim: Idk what happened in the chat 30min ago
apprentice rank iconArc: oh no its tim
unranked rank iconSimplyTim: Seek Mental help Arc
AdminChristian: oh no its tim
unranked rank iconSimplyTim: monkaS emote (inline chat version)
apprentice rank iconArc: atm
apprentice rank iconArc: champions lost his paypal account and has less money than slayer atn
unranked rank iconplaqueboymax: ale
unranked rank iconplaqueboymax: ginger
apprentice rank iconArc: i said i love you when i wish i never did



Te ha aparecido algún nuncio falso de gardenscapes?

Lorenny416 avatar


May 17, 2021 at 10:15 PM

A mi me aparecen anuncios que no muestran realmente de que va el juego

Lunasntino avatar


July 8, 2021 at 08:33 AM

si millon de anuncios que ni siquiera son parecidos al juego real

ARMY14BTSJuly avatar


July 25, 2021 at 04:13 AM

un monton que ni se parecen ala verdadero pero me reia al verlos xd

adrian_benitez3 avatar


July 25, 2021 at 04:17 AM

ee no lo e probaqdo

071012jnb avatar


September 30, 2021 at 06:05 AM

un monton que ni se parecen ala verdadero pero me reia al verlos xd

ashley2007 avatar


October 1, 2021 at 07:37 AM

si muchas veces



October 2, 2021 at 09:41 PM

habeses si y habese no pero la verdad habeses no le presto atencion

Kranios_ avatar


September 8, 2022 at 05:03 PM

Hay un monton de anuncios de este tipo, no entiendo la necesidad de hacer este tipo de publicidad

worilss avatar


January 31, 2023 at 12:08 PM

varios, cuando me lo instale no tenia nada que ver