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unranked rank iconbristybubli: these comments are really inpropient can u stop please as i am a girl ;(
unranked rank icongen.stenny: sure timmy
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unranked rank icongen.stenny: Sure
novice rank iconthe future: Hey
unranked rank icongen.stenny: lol 
AdminSwirfty: Crypto cashouts will be added in the near future 
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apprentice rank iconJacob: DonoWall emote (inline chat version)
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novice rank iconzeeshianstuff: hi
unranked rank iconJea: 1f354 emote (inline chat version)
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Udało ci się wydropić kiedyś więcej niż 50 robuxów ze skrzynki robux ?

KACZUCHA123 avatar


January 2, 2021 at 02:51 PM

ja nie próbowalam jej kupować bo boje się że wydropie 1 rbx ;(

temlyvflakes avatar


January 2, 2021 at 03:20 PM

ja pobralem king of avalon z gamehag bo ta 1,800 krysztaluw i tez sie boje tego

3109m avatar


January 2, 2021 at 03:26 PM


3109m avatar


January 2, 2021 at 03:26 PM

cały czas jest ten dreszczyk niepokoju

3109m avatar


January 2, 2021 at 03:26 PM

że się wydropi 1 R$

robloexe avatar


January 2, 2021 at 03:30 PM

pisze dla exp ;-;pdsmefj idcsjri f isrenfs id idsjhc i iew feifdhe if rfire ghierh iwehf irihf if fvu fuvrf ugvref eurf uer g g reg r gr gt erguru eg reug ug uer gf ru grug reug er ugrui hieuhh g h rgi reu hgt rhger ug hriug ui ru gfir i eir giur iug eriugt irgi erufg re gu erui guire giuer giu ur gr g r g gr guire ughuieg ture uui e heijfn sdic iudshncer uxu ur uc gru

robloexe avatar


January 2, 2021 at 03:32 PM

sory ;-; . . .

natka090pl avatar


January 2, 2021 at 03:43 PM

ja nie umiem zbierać kd ale za 1 razem wydropil mi 1 robux więc no