unranked rank icon147MAXBREAK: WeSmart emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank icon147MAXBREAK: pepeJAM emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconlooneytoons1289: hi
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unranked rank iconMack Highlights: Pepega emote (inline chat version)
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unranked rank icon1113626084: r我
unranked rank icon1113626084: 好不,我
unranked rank iconmohammad asawer: hey how to earn  on windows 10
AdminSwirfty: Unfortunately, we were unable to transfer accounts from the old platform 
unranked rank iconMack Highlights: Is it possible to get my old gems back somehow?
unranked rank iconlooneytoons1289: Yo
AdminSwirfty: Quite a few people have completed it 
novice rank iconIvy: Anybody complete Mistplay on Lootably?
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: Sybau
apprentice rank iconArc: I KNEW IT
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: im Blacka btw
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: im going to stroke arc 46 times now
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: holy shit i got 46 coins
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: im getting to the good part
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: shhh
apprentice rank iconArc: @swirfty
apprentice rank iconArc: how much has 1st and 3rd earned
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: yes or no
apprentice rank iconArc: what
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: Arc
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: The way u pose pso icl
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: Arc ur so hot



Poleciacie? Gra się fajnie?

TheStell avatar


November 28, 2020 at 08:54 PM

Gra zapowiada się git ale chcę znać wasze opinie.

diegostach__casedropeu avatar


December 26, 2020 at 09:28 PM

Jest świetna, polecam

mateusz_wisniewski24 avatar


February 1, 2021 at 12:59 AM

Jeśli znajomy jest CI LOL i Jeśli lubicie MOBA to polecam na 100% jeśli jeszcze się zastanawiacie wbijcie do mnie na kanał tam znajdziecie również rozgrywki innymi postaciami Hanabi Bendetta Alucard Cyclops i Hanzo np :) Zapraszam wpisz na YouTube Mobile Legends Wiśnia :)

poniżej mój ostatni meczyk nowa postać Khaleed
