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    About War Conquest 1941

    War Conquest 1941 is a military strategy game for browser published by Vivagames.me, in which we can choose between 3 factions: The USSR, Nazi Germany and the Allies. In this 1941 War Conquest there are more than 300 historical battles, recreated in the battlefields with the real lands and formation of the different armies that will make you relive the bloody battles of the Second World War. The game has more than 100 real units, each faction provides the most famous battle units in service during World War II, which will immerse you in this historic era of war.

    In 1941 War Conquest we must do a good management of all our resources, economic system, strategy, technology and units to ensure victory, in the battles of the campaign we must place our units to face the enemy taking care of our strategy, the artillery will fire against the enemy field like in a real battle. In the game there are different tactics and historical strategies that you can use like the famous "BlitzKrieg" of the German army, the "Human wave attack" or "The vanguard armored".

    Use your wits to dominate your enemies and relive the story, feel inside the war, play now and become the brightest commander!

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    Opinions about War Conquest 1941

    this turned out to be quite a good game actually - had fun :)

    30 january 2019 17:55

    Fast Simple to play you can win 5 campaign battles just about from the start of the game And Gives Gems

    29 january 2019 16:46

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    this turned out to be quite a good game actually - had fun :)

    30 january 2019 17:55

    Fast Simple to play you can win 5 campaign battles just about from the start of the game And Gives Gems

    29 january 2019 16:46