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    How it works

    Comments, reviews and ratings of the game Queen's Blade Limit Break

    Offer takes 2 days to complete (if you try) or can be completed over aprox 7 days with minimal effort taking advantage of the idle farming feature (with around 3 daily checkins to collect the rewards which are capped based on time between collections). Note my quest is currently pending and was submitted yesterday indicating a likely denial. Will update after submitting a ticket if necessary. Second note this quest can not be completed in under 24 hours. I got fairly lucky and drew 8-5 star gold characters at the beginning, and was ranked as the strongest player in the server, played VERY consistantly and still it took me 2 days because the game places a cap on exp gains which require periods of pausing for hours for idle farming to level you up enough to continue with normal farming stages. This is to say if the quest is boosted, you will not complete it within the 24 hour time frame. The reward does not justify high attention to the game, however the game can be completed with minimal effort if using just the idle feature which could make it worth doing in the case of being close to a reward on gh.

    28 july 2022 05:32

    the problem i had was that it won't let you register, or won't count it as registering
    anyone else have this issue? failed quest.

    18 august 2022 03:07

    i am also having trouble registering

    6 september 2022 00:02

    same it doesn't let mine count even though the time of submission was in 48 hours after starting

    5 october 2022 23:41

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