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    Comments, reviews and ratings of the game Gods & Civilization: Ragnarok

    this game was really annoying to play. it was really tedious and had to do the same thing over and over again.

    17 june 2022 05:37

    Update for new users: I completed this offer. It took me roughly 2 hours, but would have taken 30-60 min if I knew what I was doing. I joined a new kingdom and they were running an event because it was new. If you see a little box icon in bottom left side above 2 other icons it should give you an insane amount of speedups. Just collect the speedups and rush through this task. I did finish mine so fast I had to contact support to verify completion because it got denied first time. Recommend waiting to submit until 1 day after account creation to reduce potential complications. Happy gaming! : )

    23 july 2022 19:01

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