il y a 6 ans
Before I start to write things like "Fortnite is trash" or something like that I want to say that I stopped to play the game from season 4 . when they added the supermarket carts , so the things I say can not be true!
So Fortnite in the past two season is getting worse and you will ask me "Why Fortnite is getting worse , Its still the most playable game in the world!" and I will answer you "That the kids (im sorry for this word that i said about Fortnite community but yeah , its how is it) that still play the game does NOT count!" , but I dont say the other games dont have kid community , but as a old Fortnite player (I have played the game before the seasons even exist) I can say the game changed a lot.
The game changed a lot as the community changed a lot , but for me the game now is worse than before.Thousands of unfixed gliches , these new balloons (I mean what are these balloons doing in a battle royale game , Epic?) and this glich with the pumps that do near 8 damage is really anoying and make me do not enjoy the game.The things like that big cube , that appears in season 6 I guess and the new bad skins mean that Epic Games have no idea for updates and makes new cars and bad skins , even the halloween update was bad.
Thats my opinion about Fortnite , what about you?