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    I may have spoke too soon on the rewards. It looks like some stuff came in-stock. I redeemed an item yesterday, waiting on "the reward to be prepaired for dispatch". I'm still pretty much stuck as a toad though so I can't do any of the regular SG task.

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    a reçu sa récompense Amazon.com Gift Card 100,00 USD.
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    Most of the Gamehag rewards for gift cards are out of stock. Also surveys and contracts no longer exists. I'm finding it very difficult to do anything on this site, let alone earn SG. I've also been turned into a Toad due to inactivity on the site. So the only way to earn SG now is to complete a game task which most people are having issues with gamehag rewarding successful completions. I wish this site was usable again.

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    Il a participé à giveaway NBA 2K21 Steam | The Surge 2 | Bayonetta |
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    Il a participé à giveaway FAMAS | Colony (Field-Tested) Giveaway
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    Il a participé à giveaway Desert Mystery
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    Il a participé à giveaway Debtor
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    Il a participé à giveaway Summit in Space
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    Il a participé à giveaway Stop the War
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    Il a participé à giveaway Minecraft Java Edition | Dragon Age: Inquisition - GOTY | Shadow of the Tomb Raider |
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    Il a participé à giveaway Football Manager 2021 | CODE VEIN Deluxe Edition | Devil May Cry 5 |
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    Il a participé à giveaway GA Random Games
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    Il a participé à giveaway BELLING COINS
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