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    il y a 5 ans

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    Jayhon badge
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    a reçu sa récompense Steam Wallet 10€.
    il y a 7 ans
    Jayhon badge
    Jayhon avatar
    a commenté ce sujet When will gamehag deliver reward ?.
    il y a 7 ans

    I've waited 33 days for '50 Hearthstone Cards' just to have it refunded since they didnt have any in stock, or something of the sort.
    Now I'm 32~ days into waiting for a '$10 Steam Wallet', from my experience, unfortunately, they don't seem to really stick to that 30 days to delivery terms.

    Maybe it just depends on what you order as a reward. I really hope they speed up their reward deliveries, I havent been able to convince any of my friends to join.

    Jayhon badge
    Jayhon avatar
    a commenté ce sujet Thanks for the Rewards, Gamehag!.
    il y a 7 ans

    50 Hearthstone Cards
    Order Date: 14th September
    Refunded On: 16th October

    Waited 33 Days just to have it refunded. I instead tried to purchase something else, in hopes they have it in stock/it would be delivered more quickly.

    Steam Wallet $10
    Order Date: 18th October 2017
    Execution Date: TBD

    It's been 32 Days as of today.. :(
    I tried getting my friends to join this website, but I havent been able to convince them with my experience so far.

    Jayhon badge
    Jayhon avatar
    il y a 7 ans

    I'm on Day 22, still waiting for my $10 Steam Wallet code. 😂 I wouldn't bother making a post for every day.

    Jayhon badge
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    Il a participé à giveaway PUBG | Overwatch | Minecraft
    il y a 7 ans
    Jayhon badge
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    a reçu sa récompense Steam Wallet $10.
    il y a 7 ans
    Jayhon badge
    Jayhon avatar
    a reçu sa récompense 50 kart Hearthstone.
    il y a 7 ans
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    Montée niveau 3
    il y a 7 ans
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    il y a 7 ans

    What sort of new things can I expect? I haven't played in a year or two. Also would anyone be interested in starting fresh with me?

    Jayhon badge
    Jayhon avatar
    a commenté ce sujet Best game ever.
    il y a 7 ans

    I think its down to personal preference, I quite enjoy both. They're pretty close, but war thunder is more engaging, I think.

    Jayhon badge
    Jayhon avatar
    il y a 7 ans

    One of my favorite GTA games, many fond memories.

    Jayhon badge
    Jayhon avatar
    a commenté Punk's Reviews: Salt.
    il y a 7 ans

    This is a fairly enjoyable rogue-like game. Really hard until you learn the controls.

    Jayhon badge
    Jayhon avatar
    il y a 7 ans

    The game isn't anything amazing. Friends say they love it, but personally I think they just have poor taste.

    Jayhon badge
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    a commenté Killing Floor Review.
    il y a 7 ans

    I have so many hours poured into this game, Alot of fun.

    Jayhon badge
    Jayhon avatar
    il y a 7 ans

    Probably also my favorite in the series.

    Jayhon badge
    Jayhon avatar
    a commenté Overwatch.
    il y a 7 ans

    Its similar to tf2, but I wouldn't call it a ripoff.

    Jayhon badge
    Jayhon avatar
    il y a 7 ans

    Good comparison.

    Jayhon badge
    Jayhon avatar
    il y a 7 ans

    I should really play more of this game, I only have like 11 hours invested in it! It's alot of fun and its setting is just fantastic. One of the best roguelikes I've played.

    Jayhon badge
    Jayhon avatar
    a commenté Stardew Valley.
    il y a 7 ans

    When multiplayer is released for this game, it might become alot more popular. I've been holding out playing it anymore until they impliment it.


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    Elrios, une région splendide et jadis, très calme et étant une place idéale pour y vivre durant plusieurs générations, a été englouti par une terrible guerre, qui a éclaté suite à une explosion d’une pierre précieuse, un immense diamant ble...

    War Thunder

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