novice rank iconbrajanek: 4.  Set profile picture on site
novice rank iconbrajanek: 3. Sound alert on site when you complete offer
novice rank iconbrajanek: 2. In earnings top of site under earn,games,cashout sections where people earn for example 1$ offer, when you click it shows name of the offer 
novice rank iconbrajanek: 1. In chat if you double click someone it pastes @(hisnicktoping)
novice rank iconbrajanek: Josh, I have some ideas for site to make it better,
novice rank iconbrajanek: 1f402 emote (inline chat version)
AdminJoshverd: GIGACHAD emote (inline chat version)
novice rank iconbrajanek: @joshverd I invited 5 people, I hope they earn something lool and not be inactive
AdminJoshverd: @yogzire1987 correct! And the more friends you refer, the more you earn.
novice rank iconbrajanek: also youtubers , incluensers earning
novice rank iconbrajanek: omg this is how affiliate works
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: so affiliate system = giving friend a code so I earn a small part of their gain?
novice rank iconPande Bande: bro is there any help ? 1fae0 emote (inline chat version)
AdminJoshverd: The affiliate system is totally separate from you completing offers
AdminJoshverd: Click the "View Tiers" button on the Affiliates page to see the different commission tiers
AdminJoshverd: No, affiliate commission
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: commission on tasks?
AdminJoshverd: Basically, more referrals = higher commission tier
AdminJoshverd: No, the higher affiliate tier you are, the higher commission you earn
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: meaning the higher i'm on Gamehag, the more SG i get from affiliate?
AdminJoshverd: That's for affiliate/referral earnings
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: i'm Tier 1 it's 5% commission, tier 10 30% commission, but commission on what?
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: hello can someone explain the cash out system  and tier system ?
novice rank iconlushnebula45: oh ok
novice rank iconPande Bande: im foreign in usa
apprentice rank iconJacob: articles from old gamehag site
novice rank iconPande Bande: LULW emote (inline chat version)
novice rank iconlushnebula45: What are these articles in the footer  1f978 emote (inline chat version)
novice rank iconPande Bande: i made offer my chips and made Bonus purchase 
apprentice rank iconJacob: for real?



Nowy sposób na zdobywanie KD?

Knoxixox avatar


June 28, 2020 at 03:41 PM

Fajnie by było gdyby dał się na tej grze zdobyć więcej niż 10 KD

Balangua avatar


June 28, 2020 at 04:29 PM

Ale już nie da sie chyba

Magdarzadzi avatar


June 28, 2020 at 04:29 PM

ooooooooooooo coś nowego

DezzyCake avatar


June 28, 2020 at 05:04 PM

Już nie da się robić zadań do tej gry :(

rokkk123 avatar


June 28, 2020 at 05:24 PM

nie da się

rokkk123 avatar


June 28, 2020 at 05:24 PM


BeautifulGamer avatar


June 28, 2020 at 05:35 PM

dzienny bonus 5 kd,robienie zadań z gier,napisanie artykułu itd.

BastianMalpa1233 avatar


July 2, 2020 at 02:26 AM

szkoda że już tak nie można

bluewood avatar


July 5, 2020 at 08:36 PM

Raczej się już nie da tego zrobić.

mckonik avatar


July 9, 2020 at 01:32 AM

Raczej się nie da

Aveterixxxxxxxx avatar


July 23, 2020 at 01:57 PM

Szkoda że już nie ma zadania do tej gry,nie załapałam się żeby zdobyc kd

witekbs avatar


October 14, 2020 at 09:39 PM

szkoda że się nie da bo kiedyś to spaliłem i się dało