apprentice rank iconArc: lmaoo
apprentice rank iconArc: ur making me laugh so hard rn
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: Arc you ginger ass nigga
apprentice rank iconArc: lol
apprentice rank iconArc: yeah this is a good site
AdminSwirfty: Thank you, Terrence
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: this a good site tho my nigga
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: sorry nigga
AdminSwirfty: Best to just move on 
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: why did i get muted for saying nigga
unranked rank iconIvy: Entonces deberias contactar al soporte del muro de ofertas, ellos pueden ayudarte.
unranked rank iconLimbo: 😿
unranked rank iconLimbo: Por eso deje de completar las siguientes ofertas 
unranked rank iconLimbo: Ya pasó 2 días 
unranked rank iconIvy: Las gemas pueden tardar hasta 24h. Si despues de eso no llegan, contacta al soporte del muro de ofertas directamente.
unranked rank iconLimbo: Porque 😿
unranked rank iconLimbo: Y no me llegan las gemas 
unranked rank iconLimbo: Las ofertas 
unranked rank iconLimbo: Completo 
unranked rank iconIvy: Hola amigo, como estas? 
unranked rank iconLimbo: Holaaa buenas 
AdminSwirfty: Meowdy emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconRobby Huamani: catJAM emote (inline chat version)
apprentice rank iconJason: $5
unranked rank iconRussian AndFrench: how much $ can you earn with 5k points?
unranked rank iconDAnilo KORSUNOV: why i  not have gemsirememberwhenigot   1k  gems
unranked rank iconDAnilo KORSUNOV: yo
unranked rank iconnigase6: Fr
apprentice rank iconJason: you guys should add rewards for ranking up
apprentice rank iconJason: catJAM emote (inline chat version)



How do I create a good looking war machine

TheDestroyer6400 avatar


March 21, 2019 at 03:30 PM

I have been trying for hours and alll I build turn out to be really bad

fresh_prince_of_persia_plays avatar


March 21, 2019 at 05:34 PM

The trick here is to try to mimic pre-sets available on blueprints before inventing stuff. Try to start your builds from there! Apart from that, I recommend to use the test drive feature on the garage and also pay attention to where your center of mass is located on your machine while testing it. It is crucial to know that in order to avoid falling upside down while driving in an intense match

derrtydevil avatar


April 28, 2019 at 04:08 PM

thanks for the tip