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    How it works

    Can you add reporting spam on the mobile app?

    I wish they add it on the mobile app..

    18 march 2019 13:15 1628

    we cant report spam in apk,but if you sign in your mobile browser to gamehag there you can report the spams.(I Think)

    18 march 2019 19:39 1628

    It would be nice to have that feature on mobile app! Why don't you share your idea with Misty?
    Simpy click on Mistys avatar and select:
    I want to tell you something.../I have an idea for new functions on Gamehag.

    Cheers! :)

    20 march 2019 08:51 1628

    You can just simply login and be on Gamehag from the browser version on your phone. Same loading speed and it has more functions than the application.

    20 march 2019 14:09 1628

    i never thought of this whenever i open the app.thanks for the info

    20 march 2019 14:50 1628

    @PurpleSquirrel, i can agree with that but in my opinion, releasing a gamehag app should at least be equally functional like the website version for convenience. I believe it should be improved

    21 march 2019 15:51 1628

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