unranked rank iconzuleymaherrera26: Hola  me dan robux gratis soy un pelo tocino
unranked rank iconPiombo65: Where can I spend the SG here?
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: hi what about soulgems I had on the previous gamehag?
unranked rank iconbrajanek: is clash.gg withdraw fast?
apprentice rank iconArc: wow
unranked rank icontoxicsenpai92: HYPERS emote (inline chat version)
AdminSwirfty: The leaderboard is temporary. We have something better coming soon  PauseChamp emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank icontoxicsenpai92: Add reward for lower ranks as well  peepoLove emote (inline chat version)
AdminSwirfty: 131,111 Gems 
apprentice rank iconArc: how much has 3rd earned
unranked rank iconBen Hope: good evening chat
AdminZman077: New Gamehag! blobDance emote (inline chat version)
AdminSwirfty: Yep, new Gamehag 
unranked rank iconleopoldo suarez: hi guys new gamehag?
AdminSwirfty: Hello, please don't spam 
unranked rank iconSunil Shahbaz.: hello
AdminSwirfty: catKISS emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconandrea: Roblox
apprentice rank iconXanic: right when I say smth
apprentice rank iconXanic: ok nvm
apprentice rank iconXanic: can somebody please send my venmo wd real quick :)
apprentice rank iconXanic: Ok thank you
AdminSwirfty: 3rd: 123,942
apprentice rank iconXanic: what about 3rd?
AdminSwirfty: 2nd: 126,000
AdminSwirfty: 1st: 170,622
apprentice rank iconXanic: can somebody tell me how much 2nd and 3rd place have earned?
apprentice rank iconXanic: any admins in chat rn?
unranked rank iconLord Tube bg: peepoHey emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank icon147MAXBREAK: peepoHey emote (inline chat version)



What is the easiest way to reach lvl 3?

FriskaGamer avatar


March 6, 2019 at 08:20 PM

I am on lvl 2 but i want to get to lvl 3

lil_uzi_tsouzei_hellcasecom avatar


March 6, 2019 at 08:25 PM

same question dude

hahanice avatar


March 7, 2019 at 06:05 AM

Comment on the fourms or do tasks

Jdogbites avatar


March 7, 2019 at 07:25 AM

Don't spam and write mutiple comments in a row on a topic you will only lose xp for that.

arielle avatar


March 7, 2019 at 07:30 AM

Following up with the last comment, the system works like this.
You lose 10 xp for every comment of yours that gets deleted.
Aditionally you can get banned for spamming with different durations.
1st Ban > 1 Day
2nd Ban > 3 Days
3rd Ban > 31 Days
4th Ban onwards > Permanent
Last but not least if you break any of the rules of the site will get you banned permanently as well and it prevents you from accesing the site.

bestkiller192 avatar


March 7, 2019 at 08:26 AM

How do i even level up?

Hanii_H avatar


March 8, 2019 at 02:27 PM

i really need to vl up too