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    Help writing articles (Not Spam!)

    I recently wrote an article about a game review and it was rejected by people. What are some tips for writing them? I'm not taking about spam ones that people write and get voted for, I am looking to write decent ones that can give me practice into actually learning how to make reviews for future opportunities. Yes there are many better ways I could achieve this but since I play games and get gems while I'm at it, I figure there are a handful of people who are not just spammers who might have some good tips. Any tips for Legit Articles?

    16 october 2018 22:31 1628

    Rating them does not work

    16 october 2018 23:08 1628

    Are you saying that the users rating doesnt effect the articles? The notification I got from Gamehag was this:
    "Your article Neverwinter's game play is underated. has been rejected., reason Rejected by users"

    16 october 2018 23:11 1628

    I understand if people need to spam, but to spam on a thread where someone is asking for actual help is a little abnoxious. Considering there are already threads posted for spam particularaly. Plus the Articles in particular wont give anyone credit if its spam at all, so I think people are really misunderstanding the question at hand.

    17 october 2018 02:40 1628

    If the article has been copied from another site/user then it will get rejected.

    17 october 2018 02:53 1628

    Thank you, thats a good tip. I was aware of that already but thank you for putting forth something useful.

    17 october 2018 04:26 1628

    a few nice pictures also help in the voting process i think

    17 october 2018 04:38 1628

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