May 29, 2020 at 09:40 AM
Machine Knight is an RPG available for android on the play store. It was developed by Kemco games in 2013. You play as Frain, a scientist who is trapped in an unknown world with no way to return to his world.
The game starts with Frain in a lab with two other scientists. Frain and the two scientists are about to test a device that will allow them to travel to a world where life is more sustainable. They are trying to find another world because the one they inhabit is on the verge of collapse after years of war and pollution. Frain volunteers to be the first person to try out the device and finds himself in a world full of life. Frain found the perfect world for his people, but when Frain tries to travel back to his original world, the device malfunctions. Frain is now trapped in an unknown world, with no way back.
Frain is the main character. Born in a war-torn and polluted world, he has devoted his life to researching a way to travel to a more sustainable world, where he and his people can settle. After enough research, Frain and two other scientists create a device that will allow them to travel to another world.
Aulin is the granddaughter of a king named Yumil. She is tough and tries to not get tied down by her royal duties. Instead of attending to her kingdom, she decides to travel around the world and go on adventures.
Bell is a sister of the church. She has a kind heart and will help anyone in need. She is a close friend of Aulin, despite them being complete opposites.
Machine Knight’s gameplay consists of turn-based combat. You travel around the world completing quests, fighting monsters, leveling up, and gaining skills.
Like most games nowadays, there are a few items available for purchase. Most of these items are armor, weapons, and items that boost your stats. The game can be completed without any of these items, but towards the end of the game, I noticed a large spike in the difficulty. The game developers most likely wanted to encourage the player to purchase these items, something I don't really like about today's video games.
I give this game a 7/10, here's why:
The story is interesting and I love the retro graphics, but the gameplay can get very repetitive after a while and I wish the quest tracker was a bit more clear, there were points in the game where I had no idea where to go. Another reason why I didn’t rate it any higher is because of the skills the characters can learn. Most of them are pretty much the same, just with a different element and name.
I don’t recommend this game to anyone who doesn’t like to do a ton of reading. I see this game more fit for hardcore RPG fans.
May 29, 2020 at 10:51 AM
ith a different element and name.
I don’t recommend this game to anyone who doesn’t like to do a ton of reading. I see this game more fit for hardcore RPG fans.
May 29, 2020 at 02:13 PM
May 29, 2020 at 07:55 PM
**** dude siiick
May 29, 2020 at 08:49 PM
Looks pretty average for android, tbh.
May 30, 2020 at 10:15 AM
nice review
May 30, 2020 at 11:02 AM
great helpful
May 30, 2020 at 03:03 PM
i don'tlike this game
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