Here's a list of available games that I can play:
- Rocket League
- Skyrim (modded)
- Ark: Survival Evolved*
- Gigantic
- League of Legends*
- Borderlands 2
- Unturned
- Any free online game (eg:
I have a lot more, of course, but those would be very unknown games. The ones with an * are games that are all bit too overpopulated for a new streamer like me, but if many of you would like to watch me play those, I'll do it.
If you're a streamer looking for followers: I have a loyalty system, where you can "buy" a follow from me for 500 Schneks (points), which you can earn by following me or watching my stream. If you follow me when I'm not live, leave a message on this thread and tell me your Twitch name. I will then follow you as well.
Check out my Twitch page to see when I'm about to go live: