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    Christmas Gift Boxes Available in WoT

    Hope for us in WoWs?... Taken from WoT launcher... Gift Boxes Having a hard time finding gifts? Don't worry: we're here to help by taking the pain and effort out of your holiday hustle. Check out our Holiday Ops 2018 website (only available for the duration of the event), if you want to do some good this festive season. It offers a selection of gift boxes with decorations* and valuable in-game items to treat fellow tankers, friends, and even yourself. We stuffed them with all kinds of goodness from Premium consumables through to Premium vehicles, including the Type 59, Lorraine 40t, and Т26Е5. Gift boxes might save you some time in building a collection. However, there’s no need to stock up on them to get the maximum Festive Atmosphere level — keep on battling and you’ll reach it with decorations obtained through battle missions!

    14 december 2017 21:29 89

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