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    tips and tricks for pvp in crossout

    I will start with basic and beginner tips and tricks and I hope other people complete this topic. So let's get into it FAST 1- first of all make sure to build something that you can go around easily with it, don't take it as a joke movement is one of the most important factors in this game 2- TEST TEST TEST, always try and test your monsters before you take them into PVP and PVE 3- for the newbie guys I suggest to stick with machine guns till you guys get more money to buy something goooooood. Thanks for ur time to read my article and I hope you guys participate in this

    7 april 2020 11:34 2176

    good suggestions

    7 april 2020 11:41 2176

    hello, where can ı see my victories?

    7 april 2020 15:56 2176

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