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    War Thunder

    (4.29/5) 17476 rates

    Play and get

    2500 5500
    Soul Gems

    For 4 quests

    Register via the "PLAY FOR FREE" button, confirm your account in the email, and then Win 8 battles and destroy at least 3 enemies

    rewards were do they go?

    i just ordered the 2500 golden eagles reward now i am thinking how do they distribute the rewards is it a code or what as they don't have my account info etc

    30 september 2019 04:08 11

    never mind found out they give you a code to redeem this was great and only took about 10 min to get the reward

    30 september 2019 04:13 11

    i just ordered the 2500 golden eagles reward now i am thinking how do they distribute the rewards is it a code or what as they don't have my account info etc

    2 october 2019 15:28 11


    12 october 2019 20:38 11

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