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    Dont judge roblox for creating rthro

    For you rthro may look like a bad creation but it's not that bad, I can see creativity, freedom from axiety and etc Creativity: have you seen the trolling characters? I mean look at that creation... Freedom from axiety: if you dress up like those characters people will normally accept you and would also call you bueatiful.. I'm lynxx2099 and I accept rthro into the community Would you be a hater or supporter?...

    11 august 2019 19:39 2173

    i would not be okay with this rthro because i liked the old roblox when there was the origional roblox figures my roblox username is jaykaypeeps and i have the old charachter i am not a hater i just do not care for it, i wish roblox would stay normal i wish they would bring other things back like tix,guests and now BC is being replaced so i wish that they would have kept the old roblox

    11 august 2019 19:45 2173

    are you serious?...

    12 august 2019 23:43 2173

    woah just answer me are you gona be a hater or supporter?

    12 august 2019 23:44 2173

    I like using Rthro for unique avatars. It's a great addition to the games.

    16 august 2019 15:12 2173

    Personally, I like R6 more than R15 more than R30 (Rthro) mostly because I'm a game maker and dealing with R6 is just easier with less parts.

    17 august 2019 01:56 2173

    nice comment

    17 august 2019 10:36 2173

    i dont know why people think that rthro ruined roblox. Still people arent using it too much

    17 august 2019 13:19 2173

    Rthro is cool

    17 august 2019 13:39 2173

    you dont have the freedom to put anything in Rthro

    18 august 2019 08:23 2173

    well buy the new rthro then their you do... didn't you watch the RDC?

    18 august 2019 09:05 2173

    I like the old Roblox :(

    18 august 2019 09:06 2173

    well then you might also been likng me cause i played since 2016... :D
    (if i have grammar mistakes dont say it)

    18 august 2019 09:08 2173

    LOL XD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    18 august 2019 09:13 2173

    im epicccc by epic games.... :D

    18 august 2019 10:20 2173

    wow you did that good but epic games sucks to dead

    18 august 2019 11:12 2173

    but yea i think maybe it has planes and ships more

    18 august 2019 11:12 2173

    hmmm... i didn't understand any thing you said... im just kidding..

    18 august 2019 12:29 2173

    Rthro is for trolling :P

    18 august 2019 13:02 2173

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