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    Piracy is not really lowering sales

    Just to inform you, I am not advising anyone to pirate things. I am just explaining things about piracy that people think are right, but in reality, they are not.
      My article doesn't fit in any Game/Prize category. Sorry.  
    Also, if you are rating my review, please consider these factors before rating:

    1. This is my first time posting an article here.
    2. I am trying to write different that isn't already here. My goal is to write something different.
    3. English is not my first language.
    4. I am not used to formatting text.

    • Look on the subject

    Piracy doesn't really lower sales. In fact, sometimes it can boost sales. But there are people who don't accept that and will hate pirates, no matter what you tell them. In some countries, piracy is even illegal (which, I think, is a little bit too harsh for people).

    To better understand what this will be about, let's make up a simple story.

    You decide to pirate the game to try it beforehand. You started the game. You notice that even when your PC is better than Minimum Requirements the game is not running smoothly and is not enjoyable.

    Now, it was your birthday. You have got your new gaming PC. You then find the game you pirated and remember how amazing it was, so you spend that hard-earned $40 on the game. You start it up. The game runs well and you are able to finish it. After that, you tell all your friends and close ones how amazing the game was. Several of them buy the game.

    • Introduction


    There are some genius game developers who used piracy as a Free Advertisement! They made a really well-made game so even if it got pirated, people would spread rumours about how good the game is. Many pirates also buy games they enjoyed.


    • Example

    Let's talk about CD Projekt Red and their game The Witcher 2 as an example. They knew their game would be popular because of their previous titles which were popular so they knew their game would be cracked and pirated very soon. They made a very intelligent step. Instead of wasting several hundred or even thousands of dollars on Anti-Piracy patch that would probably be cracked in a few weeks/months, they simply focused their attention on making the game good and playable. They knew that someone is going to download it for free on the internet, but they also knew that if their game is good enough, the pirate will possibly buy it later. And if he doesn't, he will tell his family/friends and other people how amazing the game was and they may buy them. So the companies are still benefiting from it.


    And yet, there are several million people out there who say piracy is just like stealing but in a virtual place and the companies are losing money from it.

    But that isn't true.

    • Explanation
    When you steal something from a shop in real life, the copy of the thing you stole is missing and so the shop/developers are losing sales. But when you download the game from a torrent site there isn't anything missing and so there are no sales lost.
    But hey! Do you know what is similar to piracy, but nobody looks badly at it?

    • The Truth that many people don't care about
    Reselling used games...


    You play a game, you completed it. Your friend wants it. You sell it to him for a lower price than in a shop so he has reason to buy it. You played amazing game and you have got your money back. Amazing!


    Except for one thing.


    The game was sold, but the developers of the game didn't receive any income/commission from it. So it is nearly the same as if it was pirated. But still, people don't blame it as lost income for the company, even when it is. Because you have no reason to buy the game again directly from the developer when you already played it and you got it cheaper from your friend.


    So next time you see someone pirate a game, don't hate them on sight and think a little bit about it. Is it really that bad?


    Also, if you pirated a game and you are enjoying it, consider buying it to support the devs if you can. As I am Game Developer myself, even little donation makes us happy enough to release a new game :).


    If you have read all of this then you are amazing! Here, you deserve a cookie =).


    CREDITS: Pictures - Google Pictures

    31 july 2019 10:45 1625

    why is there illegal site icon? i hope owner delete this article

    31 july 2019 14:54 1625

    Excuse me 😕? The icon itself is not illegal. The website the icon belongs to however is. But I didn't post any link nor I said anything about the website. And since you know about it, you probably use (or used) it 😏.

    Also, why delete good article just because of one picture? I bet you didn't even read the article completely, and that's sad 😓.

    31 july 2019 14:58 1625

    THANKS DUDE not bad article i liked it :D

    1 august 2019 00:59 1625

    ayoub_madrid1 - Thanks for the positive feedback 😊. You are the first one and I actually really appreciate it.

    Tomorebi - To make it simple: People who pirate games often buy then later when they have money for it = money for developers. When you pirate game from the internet the game copy is not missing and no money is lost. Reselling played games is similar to piracy but no one blinks an eye.

    1 august 2019 14:31 1625

    good info thank you

    2 august 2019 20:28 1625

    Thank you for reading the article and giving and positive review. Much appreciated =).

    2 august 2019 23:52 1625

    Excuse me 😕? The icon itself is not illegal. The website the icon belongs to however is. But I didn't post any link nor I said anything about the website. And since you know about it, you probably use (or used) it 😏.

    Also, why delete good article just because of one picture? I bet you didn't even read the article completely, and that's sad 😓.

    3 august 2019 01:01 1625

    Thank you for reading the article and giving and positive review. Much appreciated =).

    3 august 2019 01:01 1625

    ayoub_madrid1 - Thanks for the positive feedback 😊. You are the first one and I actually really appreciate it.

    Tomorebi - To make it simple: People who pirate games often buy then later when they have money for it = money for developers. When you pirate game from the internet the game copy is not missing and no money is lost. Reselling played games is similar to piracy but no one blinks an eye.

    1 AUGUST 2019 14:31 1625

    3 august 2019 01:01 1625

    Can I ask why is this on Forums and not in Articles? Thank you in advance =).

    3 august 2019 01:02 1625

    Yes lol thx

    3 august 2019 04:31 1625

    Good man, just don't get too far ahead of yourself on these kinds of things. Its not lowering any sales but its stilll illegal.

    3 august 2019 07:51 1625

    Courier6 - Yes, you are right. I get what you mean. My point is not saying that piracy should not be illegal, I am just trying to clear some lies around it. Also, thanks for the positive feedback 🙂.

    3 august 2019 14:07 1625

    Могу ли я спросить, почему это на форумах, а не в статьях? Заранее спасибо=).

    11 august 2019 09:57 1625

    Good!!! Thanks

    16 august 2019 23:28 1625

    Interesting perspective. But I wonder what percentage of people actually buy the game after pirating it and how many of the people who don't would have bought the games if they hadn't been able to pirate it. Perhaps a free trial might do a better job of boosting sales though I doubt it would discourage piracy

    17 august 2019 00:19 1625

    I agree with this.

    17 august 2019 01:13 1625

    One oyunlar olmalı artık. biresyseller fazla talep gormeyebilir. dil detsegıo lnlar arız tabikide

    9 september 2019 11:22 1625


    9 september 2019 11:55 1625

    Thanks for the information

    9 september 2019 14:01 1625

    Very good article dude

    10 september 2019 04:11 1625

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