June 17, 2019 at 01:59 PM
Hi so i was thinking if i should buy a cs go skin but the problem is I dont know what quality im getting. Where can I find the quality of the skin??? please help ;)
June 17, 2019 at 02:11 PM
This topic has already been discussed plenty of times already. Next time, before you even ask questions, make sure to search for it first, any duplicate thread could be regarded as spam and may result to penalties such as experience loss or even gamehag baniment.
To answer your question, gamehag actually has a stock for their CSGO skins. Also, these are the skins that will be sent to you whenever you purchase those specific skins that you've always wanted, including their quality whatsover.
Check this out: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamehag_bot_2/inventory/
Most skins that I have received from them has a bad quality. If you check their inventory, you will see what kind of qualities they have in stock.
In the end, you will not know what kind of quality you'll be able to get, but please know that gamehag always tries their best to give you the best quality they can get as possible, also please know that they have their own limitations, if you don't like what you received then you may contact support for it and ask them to change it politely.
One thing for sure regarding csgo skins is that, it takes a really long time to receive the reward, maybe on other rewards too since customer service is really really really bad here, i'm not even exaggerating.
January 18, 2023 at 11:59 AM
The quality of CS:GO skins is determined by the type of material and the texture of the skin. The higher the texture, the more expensive the skin will be. This is because a higher resolution texture requires more time to create, which means that it costs a lot more money to make.
If you want quality skins for you weapons in CS: GO, you must visit once Fboskins.com
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