Royal Quest is a MMORPG game created by Katauri Interactive, creators of the game King's Bounty: The Legend and Space Rangers.
The players who conduct research have at their disposal a great world that combines magic and technology, a world full of terrible monsters and they, they have exceptional abilities. Everything happens in a world called Aura, in which the magic, technique and alchemy complement each other perfectly.
However, as in any fairy world or in a MMO RPG game, there is a global problem that threatens to disturb the silence and tranquility. Moreover, the black alchemists want to obtain the mineral that is the rarest and the most noble – elenium.
The king of this world does not sit idle. He looks for brave heroes - able to repel the enemy and instead offers gold, castles, possessions and titles.
Do not wait and fight for your glory and peace in this world!